No. fortunate to have more than two outside your family. Many are They care for you in misfortune, more from a sense of duty than love. Most of the rest are weather who enjoy your company, sit up with you when sick and even laugh at your jokes. But imagine yourself down and out.
How many would be of or for grandmother or would chip in only 50 cents Five-dollar (HARGE MOORE WITH MORDER Funeral Services Slain Labor Official Will Be Held Today Ai official charge of murder has heel filed against James VV slayer cf F. Killian, prominent labor official, aud the case will be turned over to the grand jury the fii11 Monday in April. Gilbert Brown, assistant district attorney, id yesterday. Au official indictment will have to come from the yrand jury, Killian was by four bullets from a 38-caliber revolver Wednesday night in front of Simmies Cafe in West Monroe J. W.
Moore, a painting contractor, was arrested on the spot and placed in the parish jail under a tentative charge of murder Investigation showed that Moore had fired six times and hit Killian four times, in his juglar vein. his right side arm and chest He died en route to the St. Francis Hospital Funeral servlc IO 30 from the (hurch Interment (be direction of he Hall Funeral Home followed In the Riverview cemetery The looting occurred following what Mends of Killian described ai between Kil Ran and Moore over labor contract' Shriners To Aid In Polio Fund In an overwhelming ire of cooperation w1 the current March of campaign, about 75 Shriners of the Twin ities will take charge of the various col lee tion centers in Monroe and West Monroe sa turd a' Martin, chairman of the drive, announced the Shriners plans when discussing the part played by local civic and social clubs in the street collections to date. many clubs who have given their approval to the drive, he said. the members who have so unselfishly devoted their time to help in the fight against polio have our gratitude and The action marks tho largest turnout to date of of any group for the polio drive.
--------o---------Scientists have concluded that the melting point and Hie solidification point of a metal are not identical temperatures, in spite of the fact that they generally are believed to he the same. friends are rare, though I believe I have at least two. I may need them any time. Answer To Question No. 2 2.
Yes, says Sociologist Henry Bowman, because the home boy ad girl are under the eyes of parents and community Students who are away feel are more likely to over step moral boundaries. They are no different from all men and feel freer to kick up their heels when they're out of town on often means vacation from home moral restraints. Answer To Question No. 3 3 Yes. Dr Ralph W.
G. Wyckoff, of the National Institute of Health, has lantern slides picturing molecules taken by the new electron microscope. The device opens a new field for studying not only bodily but mental diseases and promises to give us broader understanding of why and how we act we do Want People to Like Aou'1 I hen just follow the easy methods explained by lamed Dr. A. E.
i a rn, in his 28-pagr booklet entitled You, Too, Can Be Cont ab. tests and 14 easily applied rules. You will find them highly effective. This booklet offered as a service to readers, sent at cost, 15 cents 'Coin only Just ask for Booklet Address Dr. A.
E. Wiggam care of this newspaper. Allow ten days for reply. Eclose stamped, self-addressed return envelope for reply PICK RED (HINA IN POSTAL UNION u. S.
Delegate Calls It 'Appeasement, Show Of Weakness' Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 26. (IP) Communist China was chosen by secret ballot over Nationalist China today to sit in a conference of the Universal Postal Union, a specialized agency of the United Nations. The executive committee is meeting here to discuss air freight tariffs. The vote was five for Red China and three for the There were three abstentions and one spoiled ballot.
The votes were not identified by nations. John M. Redding. United States assistant postmaster general told the delegates the vote was and a show of Earlier, Red chief delegate, Sa iu Nuns warned he would represent his government expelled by according to a reliable informant. Russia and Czechoslovakia opposed an open vote requested by Redding on a resolution to seat Nationalist Chin i.
Russia countered with a resolution to seat Red China. Russia and Czechoslovakia walked out of a meeting of the postal union last may in Montreux, Switzerland. 'Her the representation of China by Nationalists delegates. although at the time no Chinese Nationalists were present and the po; tai union had inv ited Chinese Communists to attend. A postal union statement, announcing today vote for Red China.
said the decision was valid only for the current session and would not a precedent foi the future A temporal' Nationalist China delegation composed of members of Nationalist Chit Cairo embassy staf' 1 nod a statement deel "rn ire dor- was legal. The Nati malist China dele- Child's Colds! To relieve miseries without dosing, rub on were held at Fir Methodist Here's the luxury hand lotion you need' 1.25 pius tex 4 ounce bottle 3 ounce bottle pl tax Luxury Hand Lotion Elizabeth Arden's luxury hand lotion is in a new spdl- proof, non-breokob'c plastic squeeze bottle that releases one drop at a time' May be had in wonderfully fragrant Blue Grass or June Geranium. exclusively ours, Cosmetics, Street Floor TABLE SPECIAL 13.50 a "buy" in an occasional table that every thrifty person should be interested in! Walnut finish and arced oxfrrmclv low! IWR Open Your Account Today $1.00 Down $1.25 Wkly. HOUSEHOLD SUPPLY COMPANY 114 St. John Sport clothes to please every little man! 1 95 2.95 Shirts, sizes 2 to 7 3 95 5.95 Slacks, sizes 4 to 12 Slacks and sport shirts for spring Short sleeve sport shirts in deeptones, plaid ginghams and white, styled by Twigs.
Completely washable and forized. The slacks by Happy Kid have elastic in waistband, self belt and zipper placket. Made of rayon gabardine, field club and checks, in handsome spring shades. Boys' Shop, Sixth Floor gation was reported en route to Cairo. Redding's seating resolution said Red China should not be seated in the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies such as the postal union long as this regime is taking part In hostilities against the U.
N. in Korea. The British delegation, headed by R. H. Ix)cke, was reported embarrassed because the issue meant choosing sides at a delicate ment in the N.
debate on Korea at Lake Success. It was not announced which sid" the British took. Nations represented in the committee meeting were the United States Britain, France, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. ---------o------ Yeast first was used for making i bread in England in 1634. Water Co.
Pleads For Higher Rate Baton Rouge, Jan. 26 A water company serving six southwest Louisiana communities testified today that its rates bring less than half of the accepted profit margin. Gulf Public Service I I officials argued in support of its application for a rate adjustment in Crowley, DeQuincy, Eunice, Leesville, New Iberia and Washington They told the Louisiana Public Service Commission that present rates have been in effect since 1926 and bring a 2.41 per cent return on investment. Six per cent is the accepted figure. The company proposes rate increases for all but Leesville, where rates would be cut.
Company witnesses appeared first at the hearing, to be followed by commission personnel and protesting the proposal. Dr. N. L. Moncrief OPTOMETRIST 327 Harrison DIAL 2-3614 STORE HOURS: 9:30 to 5 TO, Saturday 9 SO to s-JQ Give yourself a spring treat at a budget price! Lovely rayon crepe in luscious colors Just received I Fine linen banquet and luncheon cloths Fine imported banquet and luncheon cloths on cotton, grass and Modena linen, with delicate hand embroidery, cut work and drawn work.
Beautiful cloths to moue any tao setting perfect Cotton linens 6 95 50x5u, with 6 nap ins with 5 15.95 to 18.95 70x83, with nap! ms 24.95 66x102, with 12 nap ms 13.95 to 23.95 70x108, wits 12 66x90. with 8 napkins in cream lo.YD White grasb end Maderia 72x90 with 8 napkins 33.92* 72x108, with 12 napkins 37.95 72x126, 12 napkins 3 I .9 to 49.50 White Maderic 72x90, rh 8 nook ins 79.95 to 89.00 with 12 napkins 99.00 to 125.00 72x126 w.t'n 12 ins, in cream 100.00 Lnens, Street Floor Capture the young, lilting mood of spring with this exciting workroom detailed two-piece tunic silhouette by Betty Hartford, so perfect for every occasion this spring. Made of fine IOO denier rayon crepe print in lovely colors of raspberry, aqua, or green. Sizes 12 to 20. exclusively ours, Budget, Fourth Floor See HARVEY at Neville High January 27th, sponsored by Monroe Kawanis! to slim you, trim you, smooth IC Dazzler Golfer jacket Let it rom.
let it shine, McGregor's Drizzler Golfer Jacket lets vou toke the weather in style. Tailored of sleek, smooth all-ckmate cloth with two huge pockets. A hidden hugger elastic waistband hugs your hips and keeps the locket in p'cce. In color combinations of grey and blue, light and dark green, ton and brown, cocoa and brown, and light green or grey solid colors. Sizes 36 42.
Men's Shop, Street Floor Marvelous panty girdles Jantzen's exciting designers don't overlook a detail to insure a life of ease in their sleek-iooking, neat-fittin, all-around-wonderful panty girdles. They're specially designed to fit like a charm with no binding, twisting, pulling or straining. See our marvelous collection of panty-girdles and bras today! Pantv -girdles antzen bras 10.95 2.50 to 3.50 FRIDAY ONLY! Remnant Sale from our regular stock of lovely, top quality fabrics! Corduroys Cottons Silks Woolens Rayons find pieces in lengths perfect for skirts, dresses, blouses, and children's clothes-. so timely for spring sewing. Real bargains that mean extra savings tor vou! Third Fioor Season-Trix suits tailored by Karen Sue You ve never seen suits made quite so stylishly, lo red so perfectly as our Season suits Tailored of wrinkle-resisting acetate rayon wearable the veer- round, with adjustable zipper-closing waistband.
red only. Sizes Id to 14. Girls' Shop, Fifth Floor DIAL SIS.