The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)


R. Mowrey, manager, Cedar Rapids office, 503 Merchants National Bank building. WHEAT Open High May .86 July Sept. .80 CORN May July Sept. .61 OATS May .36 July 32 RYE May .47 "SOYBEANS May .93 July .90 .91 LARD Jan.

4.67 4.67 Mch. 5.87 5.95 May 6.15 6.15 July 6.35 6.35 Sept. 6.52 6.52 weights and SOWS: general bids follows: 300 180-240 lbs. lbs. 250-300 lbs.

140-170 $6.25 lbs. 6.40; up good sows 400 lbs. down heavier weights most Thursday hogs steady to compared with average: Thursday averages: Barrows and gilts cost $6.52, wt. 209 sows cost $5.87. wt.

406 lbs. SHEEP- Salable receipts total 000; early unloads mainly fat lambs with rail and truck shipments about evenly distributed during early rounds; no early sales or bids: salesmen asking stronger prices: late Thursday small lots feeding lambs cashed upwards to 25c higher or up to $9.00. AUSTIN HOG MARKET. AUSTIN. Minn.

-Barrows and gilts, 140-150 lbs. $4.30 4.60: 150-160 lbs. $4.75 42 5.05: 180-170 ibs. $5.05 170-180 Ibs. $5.35 4 5.65: 180-200 lbs.

200-300. lbs. $6.10 300-330 Ibs. $6.00 46.30: 330-360 1bA, $5.90 6.20: sows. 270- 300 lbs.

$5.70 6.00: 300-330 lbs. $5.70 330-360 lbs. $5.60 5.90: 360-400 lbs. $5.50 5.80: 400-450 lbs. $5.45 5.75; 450-500 ibs.

$5.30 5.60. PEORIA LIVESTOCK. PEORIA, Ill. (UP)-HOGS -Receipts 000: butchers scaling 220 lbs, down fairly steady to 10c lower; spots 15c off: weightier butchers slow and lower; top $7.00 on 180-220 bulk good and choice 170-230 lbs. $6.85 7.00; 230-260 lbs.

$6.50 6.80: 2704310 lbs. $6.25 130-160 lbs. $6.50 packing sows steady to weak; bulk good SOWS $5.25 5.65; few lighter weights $5.75. CATTLE Receipts 200: calves 150: active and generally fully steady: medium quality mixed yearlings $8.00 most these cows $5.75 6.60. SHEEP Receipts 2.500: practically no early fat lamb sales; opening undertone around steady with Thursday's stronger close: good and choice fed lambs sold late Thursday at $9.50 top $9.75.

LOCAL HOG MARKET STEADY TO WEAK Hogs are steady to slightly weaker. The prime hogs are changed, except the grades, min while the packers dropped 5 cents. The no-fill top is unchanged at $6.60. Good hogs. 140-150 lbs.

hogs, 150-160 Ibs. 5.60 5.65 Good hogs. 160-170 lbs. 5.85 5.90 Good hogs, 170-180 lbs. 6.15 6.20 Good hogs, 180-240 ibs.

6.45 6.50 Good hogs. 240-270 lbs. 6.35 06.40 Good hogs, 270-300 lbs. 6.25 6.30 Good hogs, 300-330 Ibs. 6.1546.20 Good packers, 275-360 lbs.

5.60 5.65 Good packers, 360-400 lbs. 5.50@5.55 Good packers, 400-450 Ibs. 5.40 5.45 Good packers. 450-500 Ibs. 5.30@5.35 CATTLE MARKET.

Choice to prime steers $12,50 Good to choice steers Medium to good steers 8.50 9.75 Common to medium steers 8.75 down Choice to prime yearling steers 12.00@13.25 Good to choice yearling steers 9.50 10.50 Medium to good yearling steers 7.75 9.00 Common to medium yearling steers 7.75 down Ch. to prime yearling heifers Gd. to ch. yearling heifers Med. to yearling heifers 7.75 8.50 Common yearling heifers 6.75 down Choice dry lot cows 6.25 down Other beef grades 4.25 5.25 Grass cows 4.75 down Cutters 3.75 down Canners 3.25 4.00 Bulls 5.75 down SHEEP MARKET.

Genuine lambs, 70-90 lbs. $8.75 Old ewes. 100-120 lbs. 2.50 down Bucks $1 less. Others according to quality.

CEDAR RAPIDS Miscellaneous Grain. Wheat--No. 1. 76c: No. 2 74c.

Oats- White No. 35c: No. 3 336. Rye- No. 2 37c.

Barley 3 Corn, No. 2 yellow 52e; No. 50c. Soybeans--New No. 2 80c.

HAY And Straw. Baled tame Produce. The following are delivared Cedar RaDIda poultry prices Springs over 5 lbs. 14c; to 8 12c: lights and Leghorns 10c. Hens over 5 lbs.

12c: 4 to 8 Iba. 10c: Legborn lights 9c. lbs. 15c; Old roosters Leghorns 66. Eggs--Henneries 23c; No, 1 18c; No.

2 15c. Wholesale Fruits, Vegetables. bag. California Lettuce- $3.50. $1.40.

Carrots- $3.50. Potatoes- Red Sweet potatoes- basket. Jonathan Hide Market. No. 1, cured No.

curred hidesNo. 1 calf No. 2 No. 1 2 No. horse- $4.50.

2 Pony and glue half price. Manes and full tail included. Miscellaneous WISCONSIN CHEESE. PLYMOUTH, Wis. (AP) -Cheese prices for the week of Dec.

23-28: Wisconsin cheese exchange: Daisies 17c; brick horns 17c; cheddars Farmers call board: Daisies 17c; horns 17c; cheddars MISSISSIPPI RIVER STAGES. DAVENPORT (AP)Hastings 4.1; Fall 0.2 La Crosse 4.5: Rise 0.1 Prairie du Chien 7.2; Fall 0.1 Dubuque 6.7; No change Keokik Davenport 3.4: Fall 0.1 St. Lduis 1.4: No change Cairo 16.5: Fall 0.5 Memphis, 9.0; rise 0.5 WOOL MARKET. BOSTON -Few domestic wools were being offered on the Boston market Friday, the 0. S.

agriculture department reported. Users generally were showing no interest in domestic wools, and the few holders that have sizable quantities were not pushing sales. Nominal quotations on sizable lines of domestic wools were showins no change. PRODUCE FUTURES. Furnished by Lamson Bros.

and Co. BUTTER--Storage standards: December ..32.05 January .31.40 February 31.40 EGGS -Refrigerator standards: December .19.80 JANUArY 1 19.00 Gowns and hoods worn by college graduates, were standardized in 1894 following much confusion in academic usage. WHEAT NERYOUS IN LIGHT TRADE; CORN INDEPENDENTLY FIRM CHICAGO (UP) Wheat futures on the board of trade fluctuated nervously in an extremely light Friday. Corn independent firmness, while other grains showed no change of importance. closed unchanged to off May Corn was up to May oats unchanged to up, rye unchanged, May and soybeans up May Scanty offerings and moderate buying by houses with southwestern and eastern connections imparted a firm tone to the May delivery at the start.

Deferred lagged but turned firm in sympathy with the old crop month. Selling by a leading commission house on the bulge found the market bare of support, and this brought in local pressure and a drop in prices to under Thursday's close. Good resting support, however, rallied prices around Thursday's level, with the May delivery showing relative firmness. The weather map showed further rains in the east section the southwest grain belt and also in the far northwest. Forecast was for cloudy weather and additional moisture.

Minneapolis showed firmness throughout the session. Reports from the northwest said some flour business was done ana that there was some buying of futures by milling interests. Winnipeg and Kansas City showed no material change. General buying, which was regarded as local short covering, advanced prices for corn nearly one cent a bushel. Offerings were scanty and mainly on resting orders.

Action, wheat was largely ignored. Shipping sales were 26,000 bushels and bookings on a -arrive basis were 6,000 bushels. Receipts of grain officially inspected in carlots here Friday were wheat six, corn 51, oats 18, rye none, barley 16 and soybeans nine. WINNIPEG MARKET. July 1.78% May pee WHEAT--Open High LoW Close CHICAGO CASH PROVISIONS.

CHICAGO AP) CASH WHEAT--No sales reported. CORN--No. 2 yellow old No. yellow No. 62c: No.

5 55 No. 3 white No. 4 sample grade OATS -No. 3 mixed sample grade 27 30c: No. 3 white No.

3 38c: sampie grade 30 31c: No. 2 white heavy 40c: No. 3 38c: No. 1 red extra heavy -Malting nominal: 2 malting nominal: feed 42-52 No. SOYBEANS -No.

3 yellow 93 No. 90c: sample grade 87c. FIELD SEED (per cwt. -Timothy seed $4.00: alike $9.50 fancy red top $7.50 8.00; red clover $8.00 10.00: LARD- sweet Tierces clover $3.50 loose 4.00 $4.92. BELLIES MINNEAPOLIS CASH GRAIN.

MINNEAPOLIS AP WHEA -Receipts Friday 85 cars compared with 81 year ago; trading basis unchanged; quotations higher Cash: No. 1 heavy northern dark 3 northern No. 1 86 No. No. hard No.

fancy Montana Minnesota -South Dakota No. 3 dark hard winter 84 bard amber 72h 777 ac: No. 1 red durum CORN 3 yellow trading basis unchanged: quotations higher. OATS -No. 3 white Produce Markets CHICAGO PRODUCE.

CHICAGO -POULTRY-Receipta car settled: and 50 heavy trucks: hens 1 18c; car due; small market hens 18c; Plymouth Rock springs 4 Ibs. 21 geese under 12 Ibs. 14c. over 12 lbs. 124 CAponS over 1ba.

24c, under 1 ibs. capon slips BUTTER Receipts 881.547 92 32 market firm: 93 score 33 033 score 91 score 90 score 32c; cars 89 CArS 88 acore 30 cars 301 -Receipts 6.557 CAses: market firm: extra firsta 231ac: firsta receipts dirties fresh rent checks 17c: refrigerator extras standards checks 15c. CHEESE--Twins 171 0 daisies 180 longhorns 180 POTATOES -Arrivals 54: on track 379; total shipments supplies heavy, demand slow, market weak: Idaho russet Burbanks Nebraska North Blisa Triumphs $1.70: Minnesota and Dakota Red 1.05; river Bliss valley Triumphs section unwashed Wu. consin round whites $1.00. NEW YORK PRODUCE.

NEW YORK (AP) -Receipts 382; irregular; mixed colors, fancy to tra fancy a extras graded firsta seconds mediums dirties No. 1 average checks refrigerator, 10 extra fancy extras 23 standards firsts 21 seconds mediums dirties 21c. BUTTER Receipts 1.020.423; unsettled: creamery higher than 92 score and premium marks 92 score, cash market 33 0 33 88-91 score 32 84-87 CHEESE Receipts 133.543; about steady: prices unchanged. Bond Markets NEW FORK BOND REVIEW. NEW YORK (AP)-Bond prices shuffled uncertainly Friday in limited dealings.

Advances and declines were limited mainly to minor fractions toward noon. Traders, lemoring the majority of listed issues. gave their attention to few selected corporates such as Third Avenue adjustment 58 of 1960. Texas 55 of 1962. Baltimore and Ohio convertible stamped 66.

and American and Foreign Power 55, all of which recorded gains. Inclined to be backward were such 13- sues as Santa Fe 48 of 1995. Delaware and Hudson 55. refunding Marion 48, Steam International Shovel 68 Tele; phone New York Central 5s. U.

S. governments, although only lightly traded. showed a few small advances. A rising trend among Latin American issues featured the foreign government dollar loan list. On the upside there were bonds of Cuba.

Uruguay and Argentina. Norway 414s jumped more than two points at one time. Most other foreign lasues sold off. U. S.

BONDS. NEW YORK (AP)-0. 8. government bonds closed Friday: Treasury 46-49 Treasury 47-52 122.40 Treasury 3s 51-55 113.1 Home Owners 3s 52 108.40 Treasury 49-53 108.22 DOW JONES AVERAGES. Bonds.

40 bonds 90.4.5 0.01 10 higher grade rails 94.66 off 10 second grade rails 48.99 up 0.11 10 public utilities .109.79 up 0.03 10 Industrials off Blocks. Open High LoW Close 30 ind 129.19 130.11 128.55 0.49 6 27.47 27.68 21.36 27.58 up 26 15 util 19.47 19.81 19.37 19.75 up 65 stocks 42.98 43.31 42.75 43.13 up 0.24 Transactions in stocks used in averages Friday: Industrials 174.200 rails 64.900; utilities 107.600; stocks 346.700. Experiments in transplanting of the meat-eating Venus fly-trap plant from its restricted home in southeastern North Carolina are being conducted by botanists. DEATHS Frank Chadima Funeral To Be Held Saturday Funeral services Chadima, retired intendent for the Frank Chadima. el from 7 to 9 was born in Fort 1872, but had life in Cedar from active work The pallbearers Kosek, Milo Heral, Louis Miskovsky, for Frank factory superJ.

G. Cherry company, who died Christmas day, will be held in the Barta chapel Saturday at p.m. The Rev. B. J.

Paroulek will officiate and burial will be in the Bohemian National cemetery. Friends call at the chapthis evening. He Atkinson Nov. lived most of Rapids. He retired 18 years ago.

will be Charles Evan Poula, Jack Svee and V. Benesh. John L. Webster. John L.

Webster, 79, a former resident of Cedar Rapids, died at his home in Beechville, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 23, according to word Ralston, avenue NE. Fureceived by A his sister, Mrs. Lanore neral services and burial were to take place today. Mr.

Webster was born May 13, 1861 in Jackson county, Iowa, where he was reared and where he engaged in farming. He came to Cedar Rapids in 1904. Here he was employed by Elmer Higley and for more than 25 years he had resided in Canada. He was a member of the St. Paul's Methodist church.

His last visit here was three years ago. Mrs. Winne's Funeral, Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Winne whose death occurred in Los Angeles, will be conducted in the Rohn chapel Saturday at 2:30 p.m. by the Rev.

W. O. Ecklor and Cedar chapter, O. E. S.

Burial will be in Linwood cemetery, Friends may call at the this evening. Edward Petranek. Funeral services for Edward Petranek, of 1120 Thirty -sixth street SE, who died in a local hospital early Thursday, will be conducted by Theodore B. Hlubuin the funeral home at 2 p.m. Saturday.

Burial will be in the National cemetery. Members of the Pressmen's union and Prokop Velky lodge, Z. C. B. J.

will be pallbearers. Friends may call at the funeral home. Schiller Sorensen. Schiller Sorensen of Butte. 48.

a former resident of Cedar Rapids, died at his home in Butte, Dec. 9, after a lingering illness. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Hazel Sorensen, and an uncle and aunt in Clinton.

The body was cremated. George Edgar Leathem. George Edgar Leathem, 623 Tenth street SE, retired Rock Island employe, suddenly p.m. Thursday. Acrailroad, cording to Dr.

R. E. Munden, deputy corner, Mr. Leathem died of natural causes. Born April 30, 1873, in Ireland.

he had been a resident of Cedar Rapids since 1887. He was an employe of Wilson and company for 28 years and of the Rock island railroad shops for 18 years. His wife, Martha, preceded him in death. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Iva Holden; a sister, Miss Elizabeth Leathem; three stepchildren, J.

R. and Roy E. Gourley and Mrs. Ralph Watterson, all of Cedar Rapids. Funeral arrangements will be announced later, Friends may call at the Moen Funeral Home.

Report Petain Aide Hands Hitler Note BERN, Switzerland (AP)-Navy Minister Jean Darian of the Vichy French government was reported Friday in diplomatic advices to have delivered personally to Adolf Hitler somewhere German-0cupied France north of Paris a letter from Chief of State Petain. Cuba, with its 44.164 square miles of area, is the 14th largest of the islands of the world. GAZETTE WANT AD RATES AND INFORMATION Minimum Ad Two Lines Five Average Size Words to First Line, Six Words to Each Additional Line. PRICES FOR CONSECUTIVE DATS Size 3 5 of ad Day Days Days Days 2 lines .50 $1.00 $1.50 $1.96 3 lines 1.35 2.10 2.73 lines .80 1.80 2.80 3.64 5 lines 1.00| 2.25 3.50 4.55 6 lines 1.20 2.701 4.20| 5.46 7 lines 1.40 3.15 4.90 6.37 Each Addi-4 tional Linel Out-of-town Want Ads are para rance. A charge of 10e additional above prices made on all out-of-town ads using a bor number in care of The Gazette The Gazette la not responsible for than one incorrect insertion of tisem*nt ordered for more than Want Ads may be telephoned to The Orsette.

sent throuch the United or broucht directly to The Gazette Want Ada Are accepted until 19. o'clock noon for publication the day until 6 p.m. Baturday for The Sunday Gazette. Special low rates for "WORK WANTED Classification THE CEDAR RAPIDS GAZETTE Easters Weal Ad Media Dial 2-1121 Ad-Taker Card of Thanks ZHANEK. MARIE friends.

neighbors and relatives sympathy and the beautiful offer Ines. during OUT TACEBE the death of our to express our most appreciation. Rev vik Burian and his the for the to Funeral Homes 3 BROSH CHAPEL INSTITUTION DEVOTED TO SERVICE Phone TANEBA FUNERAL HOME 18th Are. and SW. Deal EDWARD Director DIAL Lost and Found LOST.

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Music HOME your YOU STEAK DINNERS Beating CAFE. Personals 5 Watches Cleaned $1 W. a. PROBAB 1 Now located to receive Free! PERSONS arranging NETHER Dial ICE CO. XMAS SPECIAL Want EN 110.

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at O- SE. Car Business Services CENACES TO AND THOMPSON Work Wanted--Men SPECIAL LOW CASH RATE EXPERIENCED Work Wanted-Women 10 CAP 1 GEE RELIABLE LADY M-41 Oat Help Wanted--Male 11 Help 12 Bot 0-16 WANTED WANTED CITY WANTED Set C-41 URL Dial Employment Agencies 15 Schools--Instruction 16 LEARN Autos Trucks Sale 17 Save Dollars NOT "Chicken Feed" On These Good Used Bargains 97 1 00- CHA 86 Wagner Motor Co. Are 3rd STONE'S 1. FUNNY BUSINESS "But why should I salute 1 you? I'm in Captain Brink's company, not yours!" at Was Was Was Was Was THE cus THE Tomorrow's NOW NOW 100 NOT NOW Other NOW NOW NOW Autos Trucks- -Sale 17 GET IN ON THESE HOG BUYERS REACT TO HIGHER PRICES; ACTIVE AT CLOSING LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS. CHICAGO (INS) Estimated livestock receipts at markets Friday were: Markets Cattle Hogs Sheep Chicago 1,800 17,000 10.500 Kansas City' 500 1.500 1,000 Omaha 2.000 4.100 2.800 St.

Louis 800 10:500 500 Joseph 400 4,200 2.000 City 1.200 3,500 3.000 Paul 3,000 12.500 5.000 Indianapolis 700 9.000 3,000 Buffalo 100 1,000 500 Cincinnati 500 4,400 200 Totals 11.000 67.700 28.500 Ago 8,700 76,100 22.800 Ago 6,200 88,600 31,100 SATURDAY'S ESTIMATES. CHICAGO (UP)-Estimated livestock receipts for Saturday: Cattle 300; hogs 500; sheep 500. CHICAGO (AP)-Buyers reacted Friday to the sharply hog prices of the last three sessions, and the market opened steady. to 10 cents lower, but closed mostly steady. Cattle activestion, to higher and lambs around steady.


No. AVg. Amt. cows 1330 14.50 5 1140 1.25 1130 14.25 e1 1110 7.00 1292 14.00 1085 6.15 1280 13.75 1040 6.50 1150 13.50 HEIFERS, 20 1060 13.25 16 910 12.00 1142 13.00 20 885 11.75 35 1275 12.75 22 880 11.50 COWS 25 830 11.25 1290 8.25 20 776 11.00 1340 8.00 24 890 10.75 1215 7.75 28 795 10.50 1190 7.50 19 770 10.25 HOGS. No.

66 196 192 190 188 186 62 184 56 181- 177 HEAVY. 252 284 292 HEAVY, Amt, No. AVE Amt. 7.10 62 297 8,70 7.05 58 310 6.65 7.00 318 6.60 6.95 52 324 6.50 8.90 MEDIUM. 6.85 61 240 7:15 8.80 238 7.10 6.75 65 235 7.05 62 233 7.00 6.90 230 6.95 6.85 227 6.90 6.80 222 6.85 6.75 61 216 6.80 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK.

CHICAGO (API- -(U. Dept. AgriculSalable receipts 12.000; tal 17.500; opened steady to 10c lower than Thursday's average; close active, mostly steady; top $7.15: bulk good and choice 160-220 lbs. most 230-270 butchers bulk 280-330 lb. erages $6.50 6.80: good packing SOWS Ibs: down generally heavier kind CATTLE- -Salable receipts 1,500: calves 300: limited supply fed steers and yearlings strong: instances unevenly higher on very active market; nothing choice here: best steers few loads $11.50 12.50; with bulk common and medium grades all buying interests in market; another healthy trade on heifers: several loads and odd lots $9.75 latter kind made top strictly good grade; common kind $6.75 8.00: both large and small killers bought grades cows higher; weighty ters selling up to $5.85: canners 4.75 mostly: runaway market on bulls; practical top weighty sausage bulls $7.75 with $8.00 paid for outstanding offerings and very few light kind under vealers firm at $11.00 12.00 mostly; chice selects making $12.25 and stocker trade slow, killers- taking everything fat enough to slaughter.

SHEEP--Salable receipts 8.000; total -500; late Thursday: Fat lambs strong 15c higher; few loads choice handy weights $9.90 bulk good to choice with medium to good kind summer shorn lambs $9.00 and $9.25: choice lamb weight yearlings $9.00: Friday's trade: Fat lambs fairly active, around steady; bulk good and choice handy and medium weight lambs few loads better held higher: few medium to good kind 09.50: summer shorn lambs $9.00 medium yearlings $8.25 small lots native ewes IOWA HOG PRICES. By Associated Press. WATERLOO-Hogs steady to 20c lower; good to choice 160-170 lbs. $5.70 5.85: 170-180 lbs. $6.10 6.25: 180-200 lbs.

$6.40 46.55: 200-240 lbs. $6.50 6.65; 240-270 Ibs. $6.40 270-300 Ibs. $6.30 6.45: 300-330 lbs. $6.20 6.35; 330-360 lbs.

$6.10 66.25: packing SOWS 275-360 lbs. $5.80 5.95: 360-400 lbs. 03 400-450 lbs. 450-550 lbs. $5.50 5.65.

Catthe steady. MASON CITY -HOgS steady to 10c lower: 140-150 lbs. $4.85: 150-160 lbs. $5.10: 160- lbs. 170-180 lbs.

180-200 Ibs. 200-270 lbs. $6.55: 270-300 ibs. $6.45: 300-330 lbs. 330-360 Ibs.

packers 270-360 lbs. 360-400 ibs. $5,85: 400-450 lbs. 450-500 lbs. $5.65.

OTTUMWA Hogs unchanged: 120- 140 lbs. $4.15 140-160, lbs. $5,30 5.50; 160-180 lbs. $5.90 6.10; 180-200 lbs. $6.30 200-240 15s.

$6.50 6.70: 240-270 lbs. $6.35 270-300 lbs. $6.20 6.40: 300-330 lbs. 330-360 Ibs. $5.90 6.10: 360-400 lbs.

$5.75 5.95 packers 270- 330 lbs. $5.45 330-400 lbs. $5.35 5.55: 400-450 15s. 450-500 lbs. $5.15 5.35: 500-550 165.

$5.05 550- 600 Ibs. $4.95 SIOUX CITY LIVESTOCK. SIOUX CITY 'AP) U. 8. Dept.

Agriculture) Salable receipts calves salable receipts 15; beef steers and yearlings active, steady to strong: better grade heifers unchanged; common and medium dud; icows about steady: stockers and feeders nominal; load lots good 1.030-1.210 1b. beeves prime quoted above lots good to choice 760 lb. hetfers medium and good $7.75 common and medium COWS $5.75 6.50: few canners to choice light stock steers quoted above $9.50. HOGS -Salable receipts 3.000: barely active, steady to 15c lower than Thursday; shipper top $6.60 for 200-220 Ib. weights: good and choice 190-280 lb.

butchers $6.50 626.60; long string at good 160-190 lb. lights $6.25 6.50; good sows $5.75 6.00: stags $5.00 feeder pigs up to $5.00. SHEEP--Salable receipts 3,000: slaughter and choice fed wooled lambs a classes opened steady; early sales good best load lots held around slaughter ewes up to $4.25. -HOGS Salable receipts 2.500; total 100: moderately active, lower: 180-250 lbs. $6.50 6.65: sorted 180-220 Ibs.

to shippers $6.75: 260-325 lbs. $6.35 6.50; some early 275-550 lb. packing SOWS $5.75 stags $5.75 CATTLE--Salable and total receipts 000; calves salable and total 75: slaughter classes active, fully steady except medrum heifers slow. weak; bulls strong. spots higher on common to medium light weights: vealers and calves strong: stockers scarce, quotably firm: slaughter steers few loads good load good 823 lb.

heifers supply largely small lots medium at common to medium beef cows canners and cutters sausage bulls $6.60 6.90; $7.00 0 7.15; vealers medium at $8.50 SHEEP- Salable and total receipts 800; fat lambs slow; early bids slightly lower: asking fully steady; early bids fed wooled lambs $9.35 best held above $9.60: early bids sorted native lambs to slaughter ewes $4.25 down; no feeding lambs here. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA -(U. S. Dept.

Agriculture) IOWA HOG RECEIPTS. celpts: at 16 concentration yards and DES MOINES A (UP) -Combined hog repacking plants located in interior Iowa and southern Minnesota for the 24-hour period ended at 8 a.m. Friday were 35,400, compared with 43.500 a week ago and 500 a year ago. Very uneven, some bids all weights and all butchers 240 down steady, few to 180 lbs. 10c higher; over 149 lbs.

and sows often lower. spots off 20c; loading lighter than 47.000 week ago. Barrows and gilts. good and choice. 160- 180 lbs.

$5.45 5.65; 180-200 lbs. $6.20 6.65: 200-220 Ibs. $6.40 26.70: 220-240- lbs. $6.40 06.70: 240-270 Ibs. $6.30 6.65; 270-300 lbs.

300-330 Ibs. $6.10 330-360 lbs. $6.00 6.25; sows. good and choice. 270-300 Ibs.

$5.60 6.10: 300-330 lbs. $5.60 6.10: 330-360 lbs. $5.55 476.05: good, 360-400 lbs $5.45 5.60; 400-450 lbs. $5.30 5.85; 450-500 lbs. $5.15 ST.

PAUL LIVESTOCK. SOUTH ST. PAUL. Minn. (UP)-CATas active as Thursday, early trade a barely TLE- Salable receipts total slaughter steers and yearling trade not steady; medium ands good kinds generally $8.50 few good light steers $11 50.

some held around few good heifers she stock trade generally steady: bulls strong, medium sausage kinds $8.25 good bulls $7.00 4 7.50: common and medium cows canners and -cutters $4.25 shelly canners stockers acarce, steady: dairy steady: medium and -good kinds $60.00 0 75.00: calves 2.500; vealers steady to 50p higher: good and choice showing up tarn with bulk 38.50 strictly choice $10.00: few $10.50. MOOS Salable receipts total bids 560: market not established, early mostly lower; most off on heavier House Cleaning Prices PLUS -1991, AFT Here Are A Few Samples Goid Seat Cars NEXT BEST TO NEW A CAR 4 Door Sedans Was $455 NOW $4.50 NOW $395 $32.5 NOW $295 2 Door Sedans $595 $550 $395 $425 $525 $4350 Coupes ALLEN'S Second Are Handler's Special 1940 PLYMOUTH 2 Door Sedan $546 Seven Good Buys Trucks Lane of HANDLER'S Dater -3 USED CAR LOT 723 First Ave. SE SPECIAL 1934 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Rogue Prime NOW $165 Baxter Motors 829 Second Ave. SE. MaKibben Motor Are at St.

1 Low Close Previous Close .61 .61 East St. Sioux St. Week Year er 20 21 21 .36 A .36 A I A A 4.57 4.57 4.70 A 5.87 5.90 A 6.10 A 6.05 6.05 6.15 A 6.22 6.35 A 6.40 6.401 6.52 Stocks Gain; Trading Brisk NEW YORK (AP) Prices broke out of a holiday rut in Friday's stock market and in the briskest business in more than month small but general gains were scored. The improved close came after a day in which many share leaders had bobbed about quietly and only a handful of "defense ties" had managed to attract a buying following. Some of the latter, many at tops for a year or more, included Bath Iron, New York Shipbuilding, Timken-Detroit, National Acme, Lima Locomotive and Electric Boat.

Up fractions to a point or so were U. Steel, U. S. Rubber, United Aircraft, Boeing, Johns Manville, U. S.

Gypsum, Santa Fe, Consolidated Edison and Texas Corp. Not all gains held at the best to the finish and there was a good sprinkling of signs through the list. Transfers were about 1,300,000 shares. Wall St. Stocks Published by J.

E. Bennett W. H. manager. Telephone 9151.

403-4 Merchants National Bank building. FRIDAY'S QUOTATIONS. Adams Express Intl Nickel Alaska Juneau. 5 Paper Allied Chem 164 Intl Johns Manville Allied Chalmers Kennecott Copr Can 85' Kresge 8 Coml Alc. 5 Kroger B.

Amn For Pow Lehigh Val Hide L. Libbey Owens Amn Intl Corp. Lig Myers 'B' Amn Loco Carbonic Amn Maracaibo Lockheed Amn Pow Loews, Inc Amn Rad Loft Inc Amn Roll Mills 15 Lorillard 18 Smelting McLeltand Strs Amn Steel Fdys McKesson Amn Sug Ref 13 Marshall Fld. Amn Tel Tel Martin. Amn Tob Mathiesen Alk Amn Wat Wks Maytag Mfg Amn Woolen 81 Miami Copr 9 Amn Zinc Mid-Cont Pet Anaconda Copt Mpls Moline Ark Nat Gas A Mont Ward 37 Armour Co Motor Wheel Assd Dry Gds Murray Corp Atch SP Nash-Kelv Atlantic Rig Natl Bellas Aviation Corp Natl Biscuit Baldwin Loco Natl Cash Reg.

13 Balto Ohio 31 Natl Dairy Barnsdall Natl Dstirs 23 Bendix Av'n Natl Pow Beth Steel 85 Central 131 Blaw Knox 9 Nor Pac Boeing Airp, North Amn Co Bohn Alum. Nor Amn Avi 161. Borden Co. Ohio Oil 61 Borg Warner 19 Otis Steel Briggs Mig. Packard Mtrs Budd Mfg.

Paramount Budd Wheel 70 Park Utah Burroughs Ads. Penick de Ford 45. Cal. Hecla Penna Camp Wyant Penney, Canada Dry 12 Peoples Gas Can. Pac.

Phillips Pet 41 Case Thr. Mach 52 Pillsbury Caterpillar Pittabeh Screw Cent. Fdy, 3'a Plymouth Oil Celanese Pressed 8tl Car Celotex Proctor Gamble Cerro De Pasco 30 Pub Sve -teed Pullman Co Ches. Ohio Pure Oil 00 Chrysler Mot Radio Corp Cities Sve. Radio Keith Coca Cola 104 Rem Rand Colg.

Palmolive Repb Steel Column Gas Reyn Top 'B' Coml. Credit Safeway Com1. Solvents Schenley Com Bouthern Seaboard 011 Congoleum Sears Roebuck Cons. Edison Servel Inc 10 Oil Shell Union Contl Bak Silver King Contl, Bak. 'B Simmons Co ContL Can Skelly Oil Contl.

Motors Socony Vac Contl. Oil Del. Sou Cal Ed Corn Products, Sou Pac R. Coty, Inc. So 12 Por Rico Crown Drug Sou Railway Crucible Steel Sperry Brands Corp Stand Cub.

Amn Sug Stand Gas Cudahy Pkg. 133 Stand Calif Curtiss Wr. Stand Ind Wr. 'A' Stand Deere and Co. Stew Warner Douglas Aire.

Stone Webster Du Pont de'N Studebaker Eastern R. M. Tex. Corp. 40 Eastman Kod Tex.

Gulf S. 36 Eaton Mig. Thompson Str. Elec. Autolite Tidewater Elec.

Boat Timken Det. Elec Pow Timken R. Elec Bond. S. Trans-Amer.

Ford. England T. C. Fox FIlm Freeport Tex Twin Coach Gen. Baking Union Carbide.

68 Gen. Cables Pac. Gen. Electric Uni Aircraft Uni Air Lines Gen. Foods 481 Uni Gen.

Motors Gillette S. R. 31 Unt Drug Uni El Coal Gimbel Bros Uni Fruit Glidden Uni Gas Co Goodrich. Uni Gas Imp Graham Goodyear Tire Paige 8 Gypsum 00 Ind Alc 24 Gt Granby Cons U.S Pipe Nor Ore 8 Rubber Gt Nor Ry Pr 00 Steel Gt Wes City Sug Vanadium Granite Walworth Hall Greyhound Printing Warner Bros. Hat Corp Wes Maryld Hayes Body Wes Westghouse Union Hecker Prods A Hiram Walker .29 Westghouse El Houston Oil White Mtrs Howe Sound .35 White Sewing Hudson Mtrs Willys Olvd Hupp Mtrs Wilson Co Ills Central Woolworth Indus Rayon Yellow Truck Inspiration Yngstn Harv 491 Zenith Radio Intl Hydro Zonite Prods Intl Mining CLOSE CHICAGO STOCKS.

Bast Blessing Katz Drug Bendix Avn Marsh Field Borg Warner 19 Midwest Corp Butler Bros Quaker Com Cent I Pr Qker Pr Cherry Burl 12-13 Sunstrand Chicago Corp Swift Co Cities Sve Swift Intl Comw Edison Ut Ind Pr Cons Biscuit Walgreen Elec Hshold Wis Bk Shrs at Lks Dredge Zenith Rad U. S. Seeks Accord For Food To Spain WASHINGTON (AP) The state department Friday initiated what authoritative spokesmen described as final efforts to achieve an agreement under which American food supplies may be sent to Spain. The answer, it was disclosed in official circles, is up to the British and Spanish governments. IN $825 LIGHT.

1 for A farm. Was dirts 63 69 .33 3 20 21 102 36 17 pet Cult 1 104 A FORD SE AD Co. SE. Co. SE..

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.