--Made by Ghidorah#5587
-- New example script written by wally
-- You can suggest changes with a pull request or something
local repo = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wally-rblx/LinoriaLib/main/'
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'Library.lua'))()
local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/ThemeManager.lua'))()
local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/SaveManager.lua'))()
local Window = Library:CreateWindow({
-- Set Center to true if you want the menu to appear in the center
-- Set AutoShow to true if you want the menu to appear when it is created
-- Position and Size are also valid options here
-- but you do not need to define them unless you are changing them :)
Title = 'Iron Man Simulator 2 Hub',
Center = true,
AutoShow = true,
-- You do not have to set your tabs & groups up this way, just a prefrence.
local Tabs = {
-- Creates a new tab titled Main
Main = Window:AddTab('Main'),
['Dev'] = Window:AddTab("Dev"),
['UI Settings'] = Window:AddTab('UI Settings'),
-- Groupbox and Tabbox inherit the same functions
-- except Tabboxes you have to call the functions on a tab (Tabbox:AddTab(name))
local MainLeftBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Suits')
local MainRightBox = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox('Misc')
local DevLeftBox = Tabs.Dev:AddLeftGroupbox('Groupbox')
-- Tabboxes are a tiny bit different, but here's a basic example:
local TabBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftTabbox() -- Add Tabbox on left side
local Tab1 = TabBox:AddTab('Tab 1')
local Tab2 = TabBox:AddTab('Tab 2')
-- You can now call AddToggle, etc on the tabs you added to the Tabbox
-- Groupbox:AddToggle
-- Arguments: Index, Options
DevLeftBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', {
Text = 'This is a toggle',
Default = true, -- Default value (true / false)
Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle
-- Fetching a toggle object for later use:
-- Toggles.MyToggle.Value
-- Toggles is a table added to getgenv() by the library
-- You index Toggles with the specified index, in this case it is 'MyToggle'
-- To get the state of the toggle you do toggle.Value
-- Calls the passed function when the toggle is updated
-- here we get our toggle object & then get its value
print('MyToggle changed to:', Toggles.MyToggle.Value)
-- This should print to the console: "My toggle state changed! New value: false"
-- Groupbox:AddButton
-- Arguments: Text, Callback
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 2', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 2"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 3', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 3"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 4', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 4"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 6', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 6"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 9', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 9"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 12', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 12"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 13', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 13"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 14', function()
See AlsoFusion nucléaire : des chercheurs dépassent la limite théorique de densité de plasma d’un facteur 10Les formes de vie complexes seraient apparues sur Terre 1,5 milliards d’années plus tôt qu’on le pensaitIron Man Simulator 2 Script - Pastebin.comMake your own Deadpool & Wolverine movie with this surprisingly deep movie studio management simlocal args = {
[1] = "Mark 14"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 19', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 19"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 20', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 20"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 21', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 21"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 23', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 23"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 27', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 27"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 28', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 28"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 30', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 30"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 31', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 31"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 33', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 33"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 40', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 40"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 42', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 42"
local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 43', function()
local args = {
[1] = "Mark 43"
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Destroy Suit', function()
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('GroundCrack', function()
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('ToggleFlight True', function()
local ohBoolean1 = true
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('ToggleFlight False', function()
local ohBoolean1 = false
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Eject', function()
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Mask On', function()
local ohBoolean1 = true
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Mask Off', function()
local ohBoolean1 = false
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton("Call Suit", function()
local ohString1 = "call suit"
local ohString2 = "All"
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Sentry Mode On', function()
local ohBoolean1 = true
local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Sentry Mode Off', function()
local ohBoolean1 = false
local MyButton = DevLeftBox:AddButton('Button', function()
print('You clicked a button!')
-- Button:AddButton
-- Arguments: Text, Callback
-- Adds a sub button to the side of the main button
local MyButton2 = MyButton:AddButton('Sub button', function()
print('You clicked a sub button!')
-- Button:AddTooltip
-- Arguments: ToolTip
MyButton:AddTooltip('This is a button')
MyButton2:AddTooltip('This is a sub button')
-- NOTE: You can chain the button methods!
LeftGroupBox:AddButton('Kill all', Functions.KillAll):AddTooltip('This will kill everyone in the game!')
:AddButton('Kick all', Functions.KickAll):AddTooltip('This will kick everyone in the game!')
-- Groupbox:AddLabel
-- Arguments: Text, DoesWrap
DevLeftBox:AddLabel('This is a label')
DevLeftBox:AddLabel('This is a label\n\nwhich wraps its text!', true)
-- Groupbox:AddDivider
-- Arguments: None
-- Groupbox:AddSlider
-- Arguments: Idx, Options
DevLeftBox:AddSlider('MySlider', {
Text = 'This is my slider!',
-- Text, Default, Min, Max, Rounding must be specified.
-- Rounding is the number of decimal places for precision.
-- Example:
-- Rounding 0 - 5
-- Rounding 1 - 5.1
-- Rounding 2 - 5.15
-- Rounding 3 - 5.155
Default = 0,
Min = 0,
Max = 5,
Rounding = 1,
Compact = false, -- If set to true, then it will hide the label
-- Options is a table added to getgenv() by the library
-- You index Options with the specified index, in this case it is 'MySlider'
-- To get the value of the slider you do slider.Value
local Number = Options.MySlider.Value
print('MySlider was changed! New value:', Options.MySlider.Value)
-- This should print to the console: "MySlider was changed! New value: 3"
-- Groupbox:AddInput
-- Arguments: Idx, Info
DevLeftBox:AddInput('MyTextbox', {
Default = 'My textbox!',
Numeric = false, -- true / false, only allows numbers
Finished = false, -- true / false, only calls callback when you press enter
Text = 'This is a textbox',
Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox
Placeholder = 'Placeholder text', -- placeholder text when the box is empty
-- MaxLength is also an option which is the max length of the text
print('Text updated. New text:', Options.MyTextbox.Value)
-- Groupbox:AddDropdown
-- Arguments: Idx, Info
DevLeftBox:AddDropdown('MyDropdown', {
Values = { 'This', 'is', 'a', 'dropdown' },
Default = 1, -- number index of the value / string
Multi = false, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected
Text = 'A dropdown',
Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox
print('Dropdown got changed. New value:', Options.MyDropdown.Value)
-- Multi dropdowns
DevLeftBox:AddDropdown('MyMultiDropdown', {
-- Default is the numeric index (e.g. "This" would be 1 since it if first in the values list)
-- Default also accepts a string as well
-- Currently you can not set multiple values with a dropdown
Values = { 'This', 'is', 'a', 'dropdown' },
Default = 1,
Multi = true, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected
Text = 'A dropdown',
Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox
-- print('Dropdown got changed. New value:', )
print('Multi dropdown got changed:')
for key, value in next, Options.MyMultiDropdown.Value do
print(key, value) -- should print something like This, true
This = true,
is = true,
-- Label:AddColorPicker
-- Arguments: Idx, Info
-- You can also ColorPicker & KeyPicker to a Toggle as well
DevLeftBox:AddLabel('Color'):AddColorPicker('ColorPicker', {
Default = Color3.new(0, 1, 0), -- Bright green
Title = 'Some color', -- Optional. Allows you to have a custom color picker title (when you open it)
print('Color changed!', Options.ColorPicker.Value)
Options.ColorPicker:SetValueRGB(Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 140))
DevLeftBox:AddLabel('Keybind'):AddKeyPicker('KeyPicker', {
-- SyncToggleState only works with toggles.
-- It allows you to make a keybind which has its state synced with its parent toggle
-- Example: Keybind which you use to toggle flyhack, etc.
-- Changing the toggle disables the keybind state and toggling the keybind switches the toggle state
Default = 'MB2', -- String as the name of the keybind (MB1, MB2 for mouse buttons)
SyncToggleState = false,
-- You can define custom Modes but I have never had a use for it.
Mode = 'Toggle', -- Modes: Always, Toggle, Hold
Text = 'Auto lockpick safes', -- Text to display in the keybind menu
NoUI = false, -- Set to true if you want to hide from the Keybind menu,
-- OnClick is only fired when you press the keybind and the mode is Toggle
-- Otherwise, you will have to use Keybind:GetState()
print('Keybind clicked!', Options.KeyPicker.Value)
while true do
-- example for checking if a keybind is being pressed
local state = Options.KeyPicker:GetState()
if state then
print('KeyPicker is being held down')
if Library.Unloaded then break end
Options.KeyPicker:SetValue({ 'MB2', 'Toggle' }) -- Sets keybind to MB2, mode to Hold
-- Library functions
-- Sets the watermark visibility
-- Sets the watermark text
Library:SetWatermark('This is a really long watermark to text the resizing')
Library.KeybindFrame.Visible = true; -- todo: add a function for this
Library.Unloaded = true
-- UI Settings
local MenuGroup = Tabs['UI Settings']:AddLeftGroupbox('Menu')
-- I set NoUI so it does not show up in the keybinds menu
MenuGroup:AddButton('Unload', function() Library:Unload() end)
MenuGroup:AddLabel('Menu bind'):AddKeyPicker('MenuKeybind', { Default = 'Insert', NoUI = true, Text = 'Menu keybind' })
Library.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind -- Allows you to have a custom keybind for the menu
-- Addons:
-- SaveManager (Allows you to have a configuration system)
-- ThemeManager (Allows you to have a menu theme system)
-- Hand the library over to our managers
-- Ignore keys that are used by ThemeManager.
-- (we dont want configs to save themes, do we?)
-- Adds our MenuKeybind to the ignore list
-- (do you want each config to have a different menu key? probably not.)
SaveManager:SetIgnoreIndexes({ 'MenuKeybind' })
-- use case for doing it this way:
-- a script hub could have themes in a global folder
-- and game configs in a separate folder per game
-- Builds our config menu on the right side of our tab
SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs['UI Settings'])
-- Builds our theme menu (with plenty of built in themes) on the left side
-- NOTE: you can also call ThemeManager:ApplyToGroupbox to add it to a specific groupbox
ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tabs['UI Settings'])
-- You can use the SaveManager:LoadAutoloadConfig() to load a config
-- which has been marked to be one that auto loads!
Iron Man Simulator 2 Script By Ghidorah#5587 - Pastebin.com (2024)
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Article information
Author: Manual Maggio
Last Updated:
Views: 5483
Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)
Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful
Author information
Name: Manual Maggio
Birthday: 1998-01-20
Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242
Phone: +577037762465
Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor
Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis
Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.