Iron Man Simulator 2 Script By Ghidorah#5587 - (2024)

  1. --Made by Ghidorah#5587

  2. -- New example script written by wally

  3. -- You can suggest changes with a pull request or something

  4. local repo = ''

  5. local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'Library.lua'))()

  6. local ThemeManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/ThemeManager.lua'))()

  7. local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet(repo .. 'addons/SaveManager.lua'))()

  8. local Window = Library:CreateWindow({

  9. -- Set Center to true if you want the menu to appear in the center

  10. -- Set AutoShow to true if you want the menu to appear when it is created

  11. -- Position and Size are also valid options here

  12. -- but you do not need to define them unless you are changing them :)

  13. Title = 'Iron Man Simulator 2 Hub',

  14. Center = true,

  15. AutoShow = true,

  16. })

  17. -- You do not have to set your tabs & groups up this way, just a prefrence.

  18. local Tabs = {

  19. -- Creates a new tab titled Main

  20. Main = Window:AddTab('Main'),

  21. ['Dev'] = Window:AddTab("Dev"),

  22. ['UI Settings'] = Window:AddTab('UI Settings'),

  23. }

  24. -- Groupbox and Tabbox inherit the same functions

  25. -- except Tabboxes you have to call the functions on a tab (Tabbox:AddTab(name))

  26. local MainLeftBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftGroupbox('Suits')

  27. local MainRightBox = Tabs.Main:AddRightGroupbox('Misc')

  28. local DevLeftBox = Tabs.Dev:AddLeftGroupbox('Groupbox')

  29. -- Tabboxes are a tiny bit different, but here's a basic example:

  30. --[[

  31. local TabBox = Tabs.Main:AddLeftTabbox() -- Add Tabbox on left side

  32. local Tab1 = TabBox:AddTab('Tab 1')

  33. local Tab2 = TabBox:AddTab('Tab 2')

  34. -- You can now call AddToggle, etc on the tabs you added to the Tabbox

  35. ]]

  36. -- Groupbox:AddToggle

  37. -- Arguments: Index, Options

  38. DevLeftBox:AddToggle('MyToggle', {

  39. Text = 'This is a toggle',

  40. Default = true, -- Default value (true / false)

  41. Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the toggle

  42. })

  43. -- Fetching a toggle object for later use:

  44. -- Toggles.MyToggle.Value

  45. -- Toggles is a table added to getgenv() by the library

  46. -- You index Toggles with the specified index, in this case it is 'MyToggle'

  47. -- To get the state of the toggle you do toggle.Value

  48. -- Calls the passed function when the toggle is updated

  49. Toggles.MyToggle:OnChanged(function()

  50. -- here we get our toggle object & then get its value

  51. print('MyToggle changed to:', Toggles.MyToggle.Value)

  52. end)

  53. -- This should print to the console: "My toggle state changed! New value: false"

  54. Toggles.MyToggle:SetValue(false)

  55. -- Groupbox:AddButton

  56. -- Arguments: Text, Callback

  57. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 2', function()

  58. local args = {

  59. [1] = "Mark 2"

  60. }

  61. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  62. end)

  63. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 3', function()

  64. local args = {

  65. [1] = "Mark 3"

  66. }

  67. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  68. end)

  69. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 4', function()

  70. local args = {

  71. [1] = "Mark 4"

  72. }

  73. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  74. end)

  75. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 6', function()

  76. local args = {

  77. [1] = "Mark 6"

  78. }

  79. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  80. end)

  81. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 9', function()

  82. local args = {

  83. [1] = "Mark 9"

  84. }

  85. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  86. end)

  87. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 12', function()

  88. local args = {

  89. [1] = "Mark 12"

  90. }

  91. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  92. end)

  93. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 13', function()

  94. local args = {

  95. [1] = "Mark 13"

  96. }

  97. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  98. end)

  99. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 14', function()

  100. local args = {

  101. [1] = "Mark 14"

  102. }

  103. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  104. end)

  105. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 19', function()

  106. local args = {

  107. [1] = "Mark 19"

  108. }

  109. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  110. end)

  111. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 20', function()

  112. local args = {

  113. [1] = "Mark 20"

  114. }

  115. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  116. end)

  117. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 21', function()

  118. local args = {

  119. [1] = "Mark 21"

  120. }

  121. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  122. end)

  123. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 23', function()

  124. local args = {

  125. [1] = "Mark 23"

  126. }

  127. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  128. end)

  129. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 27', function()

  130. local args = {

  131. [1] = "Mark 27"

  132. }

  133. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  134. end)

  135. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 28', function()

  136. local args = {

  137. [1] = "Mark 28"

  138. }

  139. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  140. end)

  141. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 30', function()

  142. local args = {

  143. [1] = "Mark 30"

  144. }

  145. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  146. end)

  147. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 31', function()

  148. local args = {

  149. [1] = "Mark 31"

  150. }

  151. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  152. end)

  153. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 33', function()

  154. local args = {

  155. [1] = "Mark 33"

  156. }

  157. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  158. end)

  159. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 40', function()

  160. local args = {

  161. [1] = "Mark 40"

  162. }

  163. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  164. end)

  165. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 42', function()

  166. local args = {

  167. [1] = "Mark 42"

  168. }

  169. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  170. end)

  171. local MyButton = MainLeftBox:AddButton('Mark 43', function()

  172. local args = {

  173. [1] = "Mark 43"

  174. }

  175. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer(unpack(args))

  176. end)

  177. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Destroy Suit', function()

  178. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.DestroySuit:FireServer()

  179. end)

  180. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('GroundCrack', function()

  181. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.GroundCrack:FireServer()

  182. end)

  183. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('ToggleFlight True', function()

  184. local ohBoolean1 = true

  185. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToggleFlight:FireServer(ohBoolean1)

  186. end)

  187. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('ToggleFlight False', function()

  188. local ohBoolean1 = false

  189. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToggleFlight:FireServer(ohBoolean1)

  190. end)

  191. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Eject', function()

  192. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.Eject:FireServer()

  193. end)

  194. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Mask On', function()

  195. local ohBoolean1 = true

  196. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToggleMask:FireServer(ohBoolean1)

  197. end)

  198. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Mask Off', function()

  199. local ohBoolean1 = false

  200. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToggleMask:FireServer(ohBoolean1)

  201. end)

  202. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton("Call Suit", function()

  203. local ohString1 = "call suit"

  204. local ohString2 = "All"

  205. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)

  206. end)

  207. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Sentry Mode On', function()

  208. local ohBoolean1 = true

  209. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToggleSentryMode:FireServer(ohBoolean1)

  210. end)

  211. local MyButton = MainRightBox:AddButton('Sentry Mode Off', function()

  212. local ohBoolean1 = false

  213. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.ToggleSentryMode:FireServer(ohBoolean1)

  214. end)

  215. local MyButton = DevLeftBox:AddButton('Button', function()

  216. print('You clicked a button!')

  217. end)

  218. -- Button:AddButton

  219. -- Arguments: Text, Callback

  220. -- Adds a sub button to the side of the main button

  221. local MyButton2 = MyButton:AddButton('Sub button', function()

  222. print('You clicked a sub button!')

  223. end)

  224. -- Button:AddTooltip

  225. -- Arguments: ToolTip

  226. MyButton:AddTooltip('This is a button')

  227. MyButton2:AddTooltip('This is a sub button')

  228. -- NOTE: You can chain the button methods!

  229. --[[

  230. EXAMPLE:

  231. LeftGroupBox:AddButton('Kill all', Functions.KillAll):AddTooltip('This will kill everyone in the game!')

  232. :AddButton('Kick all', Functions.KickAll):AddTooltip('This will kick everyone in the game!')

  233. ]]

  234. -- Groupbox:AddLabel

  235. -- Arguments: Text, DoesWrap

  236. DevLeftBox:AddLabel('This is a label')

  237. DevLeftBox:AddLabel('This is a label\n\nwhich wraps its text!', true)

  238. -- Groupbox:AddDivider

  239. -- Arguments: None

  240. DevLeftBox:AddDivider()

  241. -- Groupbox:AddSlider

  242. -- Arguments: Idx, Options

  243. DevLeftBox:AddSlider('MySlider', {

  244. Text = 'This is my slider!',

  245. -- Text, Default, Min, Max, Rounding must be specified.

  246. -- Rounding is the number of decimal places for precision.

  247. -- Example:

  248. -- Rounding 0 - 5

  249. -- Rounding 1 - 5.1

  250. -- Rounding 2 - 5.15

  251. -- Rounding 3 - 5.155

  252. Default = 0,

  253. Min = 0,

  254. Max = 5,

  255. Rounding = 1,

  256. Compact = false, -- If set to true, then it will hide the label

  257. })

  258. -- Options is a table added to getgenv() by the library

  259. -- You index Options with the specified index, in this case it is 'MySlider'

  260. -- To get the value of the slider you do slider.Value

  261. local Number = Options.MySlider.Value

  262. Options.MySlider:OnChanged(function()

  263. print('MySlider was changed! New value:', Options.MySlider.Value)

  264. end)

  265. -- This should print to the console: "MySlider was changed! New value: 3"

  266. Options.MySlider:SetValue(3)

  267. -- Groupbox:AddInput

  268. -- Arguments: Idx, Info

  269. DevLeftBox:AddInput('MyTextbox', {

  270. Default = 'My textbox!',

  271. Numeric = false, -- true / false, only allows numbers

  272. Finished = false, -- true / false, only calls callback when you press enter

  273. Text = 'This is a textbox',

  274. Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox

  275. Placeholder = 'Placeholder text', -- placeholder text when the box is empty

  276. -- MaxLength is also an option which is the max length of the text

  277. })

  278. Options.MyTextbox:OnChanged(function()

  279. print('Text updated. New text:', Options.MyTextbox.Value)

  280. end)

  281. -- Groupbox:AddDropdown

  282. -- Arguments: Idx, Info

  283. DevLeftBox:AddDropdown('MyDropdown', {

  284. Values = { 'This', 'is', 'a', 'dropdown' },

  285. Default = 1, -- number index of the value / string

  286. Multi = false, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected

  287. Text = 'A dropdown',

  288. Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox

  289. })

  290. Options.MyDropdown:OnChanged(function()

  291. print('Dropdown got changed. New value:', Options.MyDropdown.Value)

  292. end)

  293. Options.MyDropdown:SetValue('This')

  294. -- Multi dropdowns

  295. DevLeftBox:AddDropdown('MyMultiDropdown', {

  296. -- Default is the numeric index (e.g. "This" would be 1 since it if first in the values list)

  297. -- Default also accepts a string as well

  298. -- Currently you can not set multiple values with a dropdown

  299. Values = { 'This', 'is', 'a', 'dropdown' },

  300. Default = 1,

  301. Multi = true, -- true / false, allows multiple choices to be selected

  302. Text = 'A dropdown',

  303. Tooltip = 'This is a tooltip', -- Information shown when you hover over the textbox

  304. })

  305. Options.MyMultiDropdown:OnChanged(function()

  306. -- print('Dropdown got changed. New value:', )

  307. print('Multi dropdown got changed:')

  308. for key, value in next, Options.MyMultiDropdown.Value do

  309. print(key, value) -- should print something like This, true

  310. end

  311. end)

  312. Options.MyMultiDropdown:SetValue({

  313. This = true,

  314. is = true,

  315. })

  316. -- Label:AddColorPicker

  317. -- Arguments: Idx, Info

  318. -- You can also ColorPicker & KeyPicker to a Toggle as well

  319. DevLeftBox:AddLabel('Color'):AddColorPicker('ColorPicker', {

  320. Default =, 1, 0), -- Bright green

  321. Title = 'Some color', -- Optional. Allows you to have a custom color picker title (when you open it)

  322. })

  323. Options.ColorPicker:OnChanged(function()

  324. print('Color changed!', Options.ColorPicker.Value)

  325. end)

  326. Options.ColorPicker:SetValueRGB(Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 140))

  327. DevLeftBox:AddLabel('Keybind'):AddKeyPicker('KeyPicker', {

  328. -- SyncToggleState only works with toggles.

  329. -- It allows you to make a keybind which has its state synced with its parent toggle

  330. -- Example: Keybind which you use to toggle flyhack, etc.

  331. -- Changing the toggle disables the keybind state and toggling the keybind switches the toggle state

  332. Default = 'MB2', -- String as the name of the keybind (MB1, MB2 for mouse buttons)

  333. SyncToggleState = false,

  334. -- You can define custom Modes but I have never had a use for it.

  335. Mode = 'Toggle', -- Modes: Always, Toggle, Hold

  336. Text = 'Auto lockpick safes', -- Text to display in the keybind menu

  337. NoUI = false, -- Set to true if you want to hide from the Keybind menu,

  338. })

  339. -- OnClick is only fired when you press the keybind and the mode is Toggle

  340. -- Otherwise, you will have to use Keybind:GetState()

  341. Options.KeyPicker:OnClick(function()

  342. print('Keybind clicked!', Options.KeyPicker.Value)

  343. end)

  344. task.spawn(function()

  345. while true do

  346. wait(1)

  347. -- example for checking if a keybind is being pressed

  348. local state = Options.KeyPicker:GetState()

  349. if state then

  350. print('KeyPicker is being held down')

  351. end

  352. if Library.Unloaded then break end

  353. end

  354. end)

  355. Options.KeyPicker:SetValue({ 'MB2', 'Toggle' }) -- Sets keybind to MB2, mode to Hold

  356. -- Library functions

  357. -- Sets the watermark visibility

  358. Library:SetWatermarkVisibility(true)

  359. -- Sets the watermark text

  360. Library:SetWatermark('This is a really long watermark to text the resizing')

  361. Library.KeybindFrame.Visible = true; -- todo: add a function for this

  362. Library:OnUnload(function()

  363. print('Unloaded!')

  364. Library.Unloaded = true

  365. end)

  366. -- UI Settings

  367. local MenuGroup = Tabs['UI Settings']:AddLeftGroupbox('Menu')

  368. -- I set NoUI so it does not show up in the keybinds menu

  369. MenuGroup:AddButton('Unload', function() Library:Unload() end)

  370. MenuGroup:AddLabel('Menu bind'):AddKeyPicker('MenuKeybind', { Default = 'Insert', NoUI = true, Text = 'Menu keybind' })

  371. Library.ToggleKeybind = Options.MenuKeybind -- Allows you to have a custom keybind for the menu

  372. -- Addons:

  373. -- SaveManager (Allows you to have a configuration system)

  374. -- ThemeManager (Allows you to have a menu theme system)

  375. -- Hand the library over to our managers

  376. ThemeManager:SetLibrary(Library)

  377. SaveManager:SetLibrary(Library)

  378. -- Ignore keys that are used by ThemeManager.

  379. -- (we dont want configs to save themes, do we?)

  380. SaveManager:IgnoreThemeSettings()

  381. -- Adds our MenuKeybind to the ignore list

  382. -- (do you want each config to have a different menu key? probably not.)

  383. SaveManager:SetIgnoreIndexes({ 'MenuKeybind' })

  384. -- use case for doing it this way:

  385. -- a script hub could have themes in a global folder

  386. -- and game configs in a separate folder per game

  387. ThemeManager:SetFolder('MyScriptHub')

  388. SaveManager:SetFolder('MyScriptHub/specific-game')

  389. -- Builds our config menu on the right side of our tab

  390. SaveManager:BuildConfigSection(Tabs['UI Settings'])

  391. -- Builds our theme menu (with plenty of built in themes) on the left side

  392. -- NOTE: you can also call ThemeManager:ApplyToGroupbox to add it to a specific groupbox

  393. ThemeManager:ApplyToTab(Tabs['UI Settings'])

  394. -- You can use the SaveManager:LoadAutoloadConfig() to load a config

  395. -- which has been marked to be one that auto loads!

Iron Man Simulator 2 Script By Ghidorah#5587 - (2024)
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Article information

Author: Manual Maggio

Last Updated:

Views: 5483

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.