Related Papers
Near Surface 2011 - 17th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
On the Geoelectrical Characterization of an Old Landfill Cover
2011 •
C. Sirieix, J. Riss, Riss Joëlle
International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 15-18 November 2015
Landfill characterization using geoelectrical tools
2015 •
Abdullahi Abdulrahman
Extended Abstracts, paper P10, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20147082 (ISBN 978-90-73781-72-6)
Long-time Geoelectrical Monitoring of Groundwater Contamination - Case Studies from Romania
2009 •
Paul Georgescu, Bogdan NICULESCU
ABSTRACT This paper describes 2 case studies of long-term geoelectrical monitoring of aquifer contamination: a marine intrusion generated by excessive exploitation of drinking water in the Costinesti resort (located on the Romanian Black Sea shore), and contamination resulting from natural meteoric water infiltrations along a fault system in the vicinity of Brazi oil refinery (Ploiesti region, Romania). Both the long-term monitoring of the marine intrusion and the determination of meteoric water infiltrations along faults were confirmed by data obtained from hydrogeological wells. A potential method for simulating the apparent resistivity anomalies within this context (media with a continuous variation of the resistivity) is represented by the application of harmonic alpha media theory.
Principles of geoelectrical methods
Mohamed Attwa
Near Surface Geophysics
Geoelectrical monitoring: an innovative method to supplement landslide surveillance and early warning
2013 •
filippo vecchiotti
Construed Geotechnical Significance of Geoelectric Sounding and Hydrogeological Measurement at the Eastern Border of Federal
IOSR Journals
Near Surface Geophysics
Geophysical study of old waste landfill of Mortagne-du-Nord (France) using electrical resistivity
Alain Tabbagh
Szalai Sándor
In this paper we provide a comprehensive summary about the practical results of the OTKA project K49604. 1. We calculated the consequences of incorrect positioning of the electrodes for various multielectrode systems. In practice these effects were found to be negligible. The only exception is the case of rocky surface, where it is impossible to put the electrodes in the desired positions. The errors can however be kept within an acceptable range, if the electrodes of the linear arrays are put offset , at right angles from the measuring line. A five-six times larger offset has less effect than a certain mis-position along the line, connecting the electrodes. 2. We carried out tensorial geoelectric measurements around the Cistercian Monastery at Pilisszentkereszt. Areal measurements provide much more detailed and unambiguous anomalies than 2D profile measurements, and the tensor invariant representation of apparent resistivity anomalies provides a realistic picture about the lateral variation of the subsurface resistivity, even in field circ*mstances. 3. We tested the applicability of 3D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique to detect landmines in different soil conditions and at various depths. Metallic and non-metallic land-mines buried in wet and dry soils had been synthetically modeled. According to the inverted resistivity data using the dipole axial array in wet environment, it was possible to locate the metallic and non-metallic landmines as long as the noise level was about 5%. 4. We elaborated moreover a geoelectrical procedure which is able to map multidirectional fissure systems by combining geoelectrical profiling and geoelectri-cal azimuthal measurements. Results received by using both the so-called null-, and traditional arrays were jointly interpreted. The humidity of the fissures affects the measured results significantly, and in a meaningful way. 5. We presented the so-called standardized pricking probe (PP) surveying technique and demonstrated its usefulness in an archaeological study. The PP images proved to be definitely more close to the realistic shape of the buried chapel than the geoelectric and magnetic measurements, and they also revealed more details about the subsurface than the georadar. The optimum PP parameters: horizontal interval, pricking depth, observable quantity and its way of presentation were optimized through field experiments. For more details see the cited publications. The figures ever published in Hungarian journals are not reproduced here.
Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal
Geoelectric studies of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant region, Bulgaria
2022 •
Georgi Boyadzhiev
The task of the work was geoelectrical studies using variations of the magnetotelluric (MT) field of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant (KNPP) region and the integration of its results with other geological and geophysical knowledge. This paper presents the determined interpretation parameters of the MT field. The KNPP is located on the right bank of the Danube River in close proximity to the river. This fact, together with the location of electrified railways determined the unique network of locations of observation points for MT field variations. Based on the analysis of Earthquake Catalogs of Bulgaria and international seismicity databases, a map of the seismicity of nuclear power plant areas was built. Over the past 50 years, about 750 earthquakes (mainly south of KNPP) have been recorded at a distance of 40—80 km from the KNPP. Two magnetotelluric stations GEOMAG-02 were used at measurement sites, but equipment for recording electrical channels was available only for one station ...
Environmental Geology
Geoelectrical investigations by means of resistivity methods in karst areas in Romania
2008 •
Ioan Povară