Daily News from New York, New York (2024)

PINCUS J. BARASH Services for Pincus J. EDWARD W. CLEXTON Barash, Washington, Aug. 24 (Special) -Vice Adm.

Edward 66, will be buried Arlington National Cemetery after a Requiem. Mass. Clexton, who retired from the Navy in 1960 after 36 years to become vice president of Grumman Aircraft died Aug. 18 at the U. S.

Air Force Hospital in Wiesbaden, Germany of leukemia. Born Aug. Staten Island, Jupiter, at death. With was active in warfare and space a naval aviator made the first off from a catapult, installed on all MRS. ANNA HERZ W.

Clexton, tomorrow in Edward Clexton 15, 1900, in his home was in the time of his Grumman, Clexton anti-submarine programs. As in the 1930s, he experimental takea device later aircraft carriers. Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Herz, 91, mother of former New York State Supreme Court Justice George W. Herz, will be held at 2 P.M.

today at the Andres funeral home, 88-21 161st Jamaica, Queens. Mrs. Herz died Tuesday at the Clearview Nursing Home, Whitestone, Queens. She lived at 2 Summit Place, Malba, Queens. JOSEPH ALBORELLI SR.

Joseph Alborelli 81, father of Anthony Alborelli, a reporter for the Associated Press, died yesterday after a long illness. He lived at 101-22 133d Richmond Hills, Queens. A Requiem Mass will be offered at 10 A.M. Saturday at the St. Pius Church, 106-12 Liverpool Jamaica.

Death Notices Death, In Memoriam, Mass and Acknowledgment Notices May be telephoned to THE NEWS by your funeral director to 2:30 P. M. for the next day's paper. Telepbone calls On Saturday before 2 P. M.

Phone MUrray Hill 2-1234 ALBANESE James. Belored husband of Mary (nee Nicastri). Devoted father of Angela Schaefer. dear brother of Ralph and Mary Lucia. Also survived 2 lorinz grandchildren.

Reposinz Sisto Funeral Home. 3489 E. Tremont Bronx. Funeral Fridas 9:30 A.M. APICELLA Antonio.

01 596 Myrtle Beloved hushand of Anna. Dear father of Connie Balda-sin. Joseph and Christina. Dear grandfather of 9 grandchildren. Reposing at Bregli3 Funeral Home.

491 De Kalb B'klyn until Saturday. 8:30 A.M. Mass 9:30 A.M. Lucy's R.C. Church.

Anastasio Funeral Home. Dir. BONAN NO- -Pauline. On August 23rd. Reposing at Louis Tommaso Funeral Home.

264 Bushwick Ave. until Saturdas. 9 A.M. ROWERS -Robert. Ang.

1966. Beloved husband the late Susan. Devoted father of William. Elizabeth Robert. Marzaret Milillo Lillian Nilsen and the late ThomaAlso survived by 11 zrandchildren Service, Fri.

Home. 8 P.M 2001 at the Flatbush M- Ave. Manus kisn. Funeral Sat. 9:30.

Interment Lutheran Cemetery. Hard-to-believe facts about heartburn (1) In tests at a famous medical cen- considers this tablet's special calciumter a little white penny tablet beat all magnesium formula the best way other products tested -even a pre- known to fight heartburn. The tablet? scription-type antacid costing six TUMS. Yes, TUMS. No mere candy times as much.

(2) The leading stom- mint. It's the medicine that's hard to ach specialist who conducted the tests believe, till you take it. TUMS. TRAVEL TRAVEL 81, head of a mail-order dress manufacturing firm bearing his name, will be held at 11:30 A.M. today in the Riverside funeral home, 76th St.

and Amsterdam Ave. Barash, of 23 W. 73d died Tuesday in Jewish Memorial Hospital, of which he was a trustee and former president. He founded P. Barash 225 W.

34th 60 years ago. MRS. ROSE KINGSTON Funeral services for Mrs. Rose Kingston, 88, cosmetics manufacturer and beauty salon operator, will be held at 11:30 A.M. today at the Frank E.

Campbell funeral home, Madison Ave. and 81st St. Mrs. Kingston died Sunday at her home, 30 W. 60th St.

She was the widow of executive Louis Kingston. She was president of the R. H. Laird Manufacturing Co. and the Rose Laird Beauty DR.

BERNARD CLUG Funeral services for Dr. Bernard Clug. 64, former member of the State Board of Dental Examiners, will be held at 2:30 P.M. today at the Frank E. Campbell funeral home, Madison Ave.

and 81st St. Clug, who lived at 34 Lismore Road, Lawrence, L.I.. died Tuesday at St. Joseph's Hospital, Far Rockaway, Queens. JOHN E.

BRADLEY John E. Bradley, 70, a partner in the antiques importing firm of Flint and Bradley, 206 52d died yesterday at his country home in Pipersville, Pa. He lived at his business address. A Requiem Mass will be said at 10 A.M. tomorrow in St.

Mary the Virgin Church, 145 W. 46th St. JOHN D. FRIEBELY Funeral services for John D. Friebely, 51, personnel director and a member of the board of the Ortho Pharmaceutical will be held at 11 A.M.

today in the Crescent Ave. Presbyterian Church, Plainfield. N. J. He died Monday of a heart attack at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield.

MRS. ALINE M. LIEBMAN Services for Mrs. Aline Meyer Liebman, 87, a painter and collector of modern art. will be held at noon today at the Universal Funeral Chapel, 52d St.

and Lexington Ave. She died Sunday in her home, 415 E. 52d St. VICENTE MEJIA COLINDRES Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Aug. 24 (AP)-Former President Vicente Mejia Colindres, 88, who served in the 1929-33 depression years, died today.

Mejia, a physician. was a member of the Liberal Party. HARRY R. SHERWOOD Funeral services for Harry R. Sherwood, 93, the oldest practicing attorney in Connecticut, will be conducted today at 11 A.M.

in Christ and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Westport. SEE THE 1001 WONDERS OF NEW YORK PANORAMA SIGHTSEEING BOAT 3-HR. LECTURE CRUISES EVERY DAY AROUND $200 11:30 A.M. MANHATTAN ISLAND $710 ADULT 2:30 P.M. 5:30 P.M.

CHILD From BATTERY PARK PURCHASE TICKETS BOOTH 1. HA 2-9351-2 Death: Notices -Antonio (Toniala). Loving Katherine, Joseph. garet. Mary.

Rose. Alice and Anthony. Reposing Vanella's Chapel, 29 Madison St. until Saturday 9 A.M. Solemn Requiem Mass St.

Joseph's Church (Catherine St.) 9:30 BUGLIONE Louis F. Beloved husband of Catherine. Devoted father of Louis Domenick and Madaline. Loving son of Madaline. Fond brother of Philip.

John and Elizabeth Leonetti. Reposing Papavero Funeral Home. Grand Maspeth. until Saturday. A.M.

Visitation. 2-5 and 7-10 P.M. -Clara (nee Lembo). Belored wife of Alfred. Dear mother of Angela and Freddie.

Reposing Ralph Giordano Funeral Home. 1727 Crosby Bronx. Requiem Mass 0.L.A. Church Saturday 10 A.M. Visiting -3 and 7-10 P.M.

(ORDARO- On Aux. 23, 1966. Devoted husband of Mary. Beloved brother of Salvatore. Reposing Adam Macagna Funeral Home.

E. 12th until Saturday. 9:15 A.M. COSENZA- Joseph Devoted Sr. father Beloved of husband Rose Sessa.

Martha Rivetti. Josephine Speciale. Joanne. Frank. August.

Pat and Joseph Jr. Reposing at Greenpoint Chapels. Kingsland until Saturday 8:30 A.M. Visiting hours: and 10 P.M. V.

E. Santaniello, Director CRACOVIA-Thomas P. On August 23. 1966. Beloved husband of Rose.

Devoted father of Stanley, Thomas Jr. and Eugene. Brother of Mollie Grizzi and Sadie Manzo. Reposing at John X. McKeon Son Funeral Home.

16 Westchester Square, Bronx. High Requiem Mass. Church of St. Frances de Chantal. Saturday 9 A.M.

Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Please omit flowers. CEL -James V. On Aug. 23rd.

1966. of Cormore. County. Tyrone. Ireland.

Resident of Noel Broad Channel. Formerly of 231 la Bronx. Brother of Mrs. James Meehan. Mrs.

Patrick Kelly. Mrs. John Maguire. Sister M. Bernard.

M. Kelly. of Rev. Conon, Joseph, feehan. C.H: Sister Maris Stella.

C.M. Maureen Patrick. S.C.: the late Joseph and Marzaret Cullen. Member of the N.Y. Post Office.

Reat Hillebrand Funeral Home. Cross Bay Broad Channel. until Saturday 9:30 A.M.. thence 10 Virzilins R.C Church where Solemn Mass will be offered 10 "Interment St. John's Cemetery DOHERTY-Mary.

August 24. 1966. Beloved mother of Sister Margaret Alacoque Boland. M. and Lieut.

John P. Boland. U.S. Army. Funeral from Walter B.

Cooke Funeral Home, 20 Snyder Brooklyn, Solemn Requiem Mass. Our Lady of Refuge Church Saturdar. 9 30 A.M. DOL TNEY- Robert Sr. Beloved busband of Mary (nee O' Beirne) Devoted father of Robert William.

Patricia Lynch and Susan Pasquale Brother of William Wall and Frank. Reposing at Lawrence E. Funeral Home. 7120 New Utrecht Are. until Saturday 9 A.M.

Solemn Requiem Mass 9:30 A.M. at Our Lads of Guadalupe Church at 73d St. and 15th Ave. Interment Holy Cross. Please Omit Flowers.

FIT MANO Catherine. of 237 Carroll Beloved daughter of the late Vicenzo and Santa. Dear sister of Joseph. Demetrio. Dominick.

Mars Scala and Fillippa Tarelli. Reposing at Falcone Funeral Home. Inc. Smith St. until Friday 9 A.M.

Mass St. Stephen's Church. Dominick Beloved father of Joseph. Frank. Pat.

Anthony and the late Bernard. Survived by 10 grand. children. Reposing Massapequa Funeral Home. 99 New York Ave.

until Fridas. 8:30 A. M. Requiem Mass A M. Wilham The Abbott.

R. Church. Seaford. L. National Cemetery.

Farmingdale. GEARY. 1-James 24. 1966. Axe of Pembroke Terrace, Danbury.

Alumnus of Manhattan College 19339 Losing husband of Mars Cases Julia E. James Beloved father of Sister Mary Dennis and Michael all of Danbury Brother of John Thomas and Robert Gear Mar. caret and Sister Helen Regina Funeral from the John Freeland Funeral West Danbury. Saturdas marina 15. to Edward the Confessor Church.

at 8:30. for a Solemn Hizh Mass of Requem Burial in Raymond Cemetery. Bronx. N.Y Calling, hours. Thursday P.M.

1-9 P.M.. FriGENTILE Mary. Beloved wife of Joseph. mother of Carmine. Jo.

seph Anthony. Arlene Danile. Also survived by 9 grandchildren. Reposing Stephen Funeral Home 607 Conduit Bird. 'at Pitkin Brooklyn until Friday A.M.

Requiem Mass St. Anthony Church. AM. ment St. Frances De Salle.

Patchozue. L.1. William M. On Aug 24th. Barg I Reposing.

Joseph V. Sessa Fuhusband of Eleanor M. (nee neral Home, 6924 Fort Hamilton Pkwy. 8 klyn, until Saturday. 8.30 AM.

GROTTO- Philomena Fiore On Aug. Beloved mother of Lena Chiani. Devoted sister Spina. Anthony Fiore. Rocco and John.

Reat La Funeral Home. Mott Solemn Reamem Mass Patrick's Old Cathedral Friday. A. M. beth.

Beloved mother of Gannon. Thomas and Georze Heatherton. Sister of Mary Forss the Catherine and Philip Hannigan. Also survived by eight grandchildren. Reposing at Chapel of Original Charles We die Son Inc 20-68 Steinway Astoria, until Friday.

8.45 A. M. Requiem Mass at Immaculate Conceplion Church. 9:30 A. M.

Interment Raymond Cemetery. Visiting hours and 7-10 P. M. Rudolph J. Devoted bus.

band of Myrtle. Beloved father of 5 children. Reposing at Pitta Funeral Home. 300 Me Donald Bklyn. from 6-10 P.M.

on Aug. 25th. W. HUGHES- -Bessie (nee Quinn). On Ang.

23. 1966. Native of Drumlish. County Longford. Ireland.

Beloved wife of Thomas. Devoted mother of Margaret Tully, Thomas and John. Dear sister of Margaret Kellett. Elizabeth Murray. Joseph grandchildren.

and Michael. Reposing Also at survived Walter by B. Cooke Funeral Home. 190th Merici Church. Friday.

io A.M. InterBronx. Requiem Mass, St. Angela ment. Gate of Heaven Cemetery.

INGIANNI-Biagio. Organizer and past commander of American Legion. Washington Square Post 1212 and life member. Beloved husband of Rose. Devoted father of Anthony.

Vincent and Rudy. Loving grandfather of Roseana and Patricia. Funeral from G. B. Perazzo Funeral Church.

199 Bleecker Friday, 9:30 A.M. Solemn Mass. Our Lady of Pompeii Church. 10 A.M. Bridget (nee Cloherts).

August 22d. of 114 Bedford B'klyn. Beloved wife of the late Devoted mother John. Mrs. Alice Mary Lawlor.

Mrs. Catherine Dredger. Bueche. Mrs. Eleanor.

Konik. Mrs. Reposing at Liscinsky Funeral Home. 113 Berry B'klyn until Fridas 9 A.M. Solemn High Requiem Mass St.

Vincent de Paul's R.C. Church at 9:30 A.M. Interment St. Charles Cemetery. LAURO -Sam.

Reposing at Prospero Funeral Home. 2444 86 St. until Saturday. Please Omit Flowers. Robert Russo Funeral Home.

Dir. LIKOUT--John Beloved husband of the late a Mabel. Dear brother Joseph, Elizabeth Reilly and Annie Yukno. Friday. 10:30 M.

al the Universal Funeral Chapel, 52d St. at Lexington Ave. MACIOCE -Anthony (Biz Tony). Beloved brother of Laura. Frank.

Grace Manganello. Rose Camisa. Reposing Perazzo Funeral Home. 1165 2nd Ave. between 61st and 62nd Sta.

Solemn Re. quiem Mass. Our Lady Perpetual Help Church. 10 A.M.. Fridas.

Interment. Calvary Cemetery. Lawrence J. Latona. Director.

MAIER -Harriet. On Aug. 22. 1966. Wife of the late George.

Mother of Service at the Walter Cooke Funeral George and the late, Pearl Niblock. Home, 2135 Westche Thurs day. 8 P.M. Interment. Ferncliff Cemetery.

Friday. 11 A.M. MAI. Angela. On Auz.

24. 1966. Beloved wife of the late Gaetano. Devoted mother of Anna Venezia. Josephine Scotto, Lucille Calandra.

Re. posing at Glascott Funeral Home Inc 102-03 03 Metropolitan Ave. (at 71st Forest Hills. Funeral, Saturday. A.M.

Solemn Requiem Mass, Our Lady of Mercy Church. 9:30 A.M. Interment. St. John's Cemetery.

loved mother of John. A Joseph. Frank. Florence. On Auzust 24th.

ReGrace. Anthony. Katherine. Ann, Alfred and Ernest. Reposing at Torrecros4a Funeral Home.

1303 79th klyn. until Saturday. 830 A.M. Solema Requiem Mass. AM.

St. Ephrem's Church. Interment. Greenwood Cemetery. De Riso Funeral Home.

Director. MARTIN- James Peter. Husband of the Inte ares Brother of Rose Grafenecker and Catherine Morin. Uncle of Peter and James Jorce. Reposing at Marfair Chapel.

404 E. 79th St. Requiem Church. Friday. 9:30 A.M.

MASTANDREA Gaetano. Aurust 83. 1966. Beloved husband of Ida (nee DeCesare). Devoted father of Angelina.

Antonio. Millie. Matty and Rose. Funeral Friday 9 A.M. Solemn Requiem Mass Resurrection R.

C. Church. 9:30 A.M. Interment. St.

Raymond's Cemetery. Reposing Byrnes Funeral Home Gerrteen Bkn. Visiting hours 1-5 7-10 P.M MAZZI CHELLI- me turnst 1966. Wife of the late Anthony Mother of Mr. Walter Carnha.

Oakhurst. NJ. Mary Church. Deal. Fraday 9 A M.

Terment St. Catherine Cemetery. Sea Girt. NJ. MIRANDE -Isabelle knee Fennell.

On Angust 23. 1966. Beloved wife of the late Louis. Devoted mother of Anne Keane Lewis Mirande Isabel San. try.

Sister of Thomas and Joseph Fennell. Also survived by grandchildren. Funeral. Saturday. 9 AM from the McManus Funeral Home.

1001 Flatbush kiyn. Requiem Mass. 9:30 Good Shepherd R.C. Church. Internment.

Holy Cross Cemetery. MI Margaret L. On Auzus 03. 1965 Beloved wife of Richard. De.

roted mother of Lucille fa*ger and Matilda Muller. Grandmother of Lorraine Myers and great grandmother of Debra. service Friday 11 Frank E. Campbell. Madison Ave.

at 81 St. -Peter. Ret. N.Y.C.P.D. Native of Mountsent Mullazh.

County Clare. Richele Ireland. Belored Catherine. father Reposing of Agnes Charles J. O'Shea Funeral Home.

29.13 Ditmars Funeral Satur. day. Solemn Reqmem Mass Immaculate Conception Church. 9 Interment Calvary Cemetery. Visiting hours.

and 7-10 P. M. MUSTO -Concetta. On Aurust 23rd. Bevoted mother of Antoinette Pece Ralph.

Steve. Filippa Anzerone. Anthony. Jimmie. Nicholas.

Connie Leone and Salvatore Reposing at 33 Spring St. Solemn Requiem Mass St. Patrick's Old Cathedral Saturday 9:30 A.M. E. J.

La Vecchia. Director. ME Beloved wife of the late Stefano. Devoted mother of Isabella Calbi. Reposing at Castle Hill Funeral Castle Hill Ave.

Funeral Sacrament Church. 10 A.M. Saturdas'6 A.M. Requiem Mass. Blessed MYKONIUK Wassel.

On Auz. 24th. 1966. Husband of Barbara. Father of John and Michael Myroniuk.

Julia Stehnach and Jane Garvey. Also survived by 3 grandchildren and grandchildren. Funeral the Dovle 3. Shaffer Inc. Funeral Home.

Little Neck Pkway at Northern Little Neck. on Saturday at 9:15 A.M Solemn Requiem Mass St. Anastasia's R.C. Church 9:45 A.M. Interment St.

Patrick's Cemetery. O'LEARY-Levis Agnes. (nee Kelly) On August 23rd. Of 244 E. 30th St.

Beloved wife of Denis. Devoted mother of Mary Wright. William Levis. Marzaret Gannon. Catherine Vogt and late Charles Levis.

Reposing at the Gannon Funeral Home, 152 E. 28th St. until Fri. Solemn Requiem Mass, Carmelite. Church.

10 A.M. Interment. Cemetery. PIZZONIA- Joseph. On Aug.

21st. Dehusband of Margaret. Beloved father of Gennaro. Reposing at Romanelli Funeral Home. 114-30 Rockaawar Ozone Park until Fri.

9 A.M. Entombment, St. John's Cloister. Compitello Funeral Home. Dir.

POGGI- -John J. On Ang. 22. 1966. Be.

loved husband of Florence (nee bieri). Dear father of Florence Dono. Gloria. Jean Molinelli and Evelyn Lambert. Brother of Sadie, Theresa and Joseph Poggi.

Funeral Friday. 9 A.M. from the McLaughlin Sons Funeral Home. 8225 Third Brooklyn. Solemn Requiem Mass, 0:80 St.

Anselm's Church, -Ralph. Of 24-50 94th Jackson Heights. Reposing at Funeral Home, 193d St. and Northern Flushing, until Friday, 0:30 A.M. Tillie (nee Romanowski).

Un Aug. 1966. Wife of the late Boleslaw. Stephen Devoted mother of Mary Finn. Pulkowski, Helen Junjulas.

Stella David. Jean Nuceness and the Viola Keenan. Survived by 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Friends may call at Joseph P. Suchy Bronx, Funeral Home.

708 E. 216th from 2-5 and 7-10 P.M. Requiem Friday. Mass. St.

Valentine's Church. 10 A.M. Interment St. Baymond's Cemetery. RESCIGNO Astoria.

L.I. Rose. Of 3519 12th Carmelo Devoted mother of Patsy. Tony Orzo. Tessie Harry, Fannie Swain.

and Gallino. Rose Marie posing DiGilrorio Astoria and the Funeral late Georke. ReHome. 27-07 30th L.I. Funeral Saturday 9 A.M.

RICKETTS Michael. On Aug. 23, 1966. Beloved husband of Frances. Devoted father Evans.

of Edward. Herbert. Gertrude John. Raymond. Byers.

Joseph. Frederick and William. Also survived by 33 grandchildren and 6 great grandehildren. Funeral from Bronx. Abbey' 1430 Unionport Church.

Mass. Holy Family Saturday. 9:30 A.M. RICKETTS -Michael. Beloved member Abbey Funeral Home.

1430 Ironworkers Local No. 40. Re Reposing. day. Unionport Road.

A.M. Bronx. Mass. SaturChurch. 9:30 Castle Holy Family R.C.

Hill Bronx. -Domenick. Beloved husband of Lucia. Devoted father of Angelo and Domenick. Reposing at Ralph A.

Aievoli and Son Funeral Home. corner 65th St. and 13th Ave. Solemn Requiem Mass. St.

Rosalie R.C. Church. Saturday, 9 A.M.' KUSSO Beloved Maria wife Stella (nee Perrone). of Andrea. Survived by 10 children and 21 grandchildren.

Reposing at Romano 3254 White Plains Bronx till Friday 9 A.M. RUSSO -Nunzio. Beloved husband of June. Dear father of Ralph, Greg and Kim. Affectionate son of Ralph and Carrie.

Devoted brother of Marie Garofano and Bob Cutro. Reposing Nueciarone Funeral Home. 177 SulIvan St. Solemn requiem mass St. thony Church.

Saturday 10 A.M. Paul Guidetti Son. Dir. SCLAFANI-Diana. Beloved mother of Pietro.

Bertha Marino, Gussie Sabella, Mary Bore. Lucy Napolitano, Josephane Corrao. Reposing at Robert Russo Funeral Home, 118 Elizabeth St. Mass Transfiguration Church, Saturday. 9:30 A.M.

SCHLETT- M. of Merrick. L.I. Formerly of. Maspeth.

L.I. On August 1966. Beloved wife of the late Otto Schlett. Sister of the late Ciarence Lane. Also survived by 4 nieces and nephew Services at the Fulton Funeral Home.

49 W. Merrick Freeport. Friday. Angust 26th. at 2:30 P.M.

Interment. Pinclawn Memorial Cemeterr. Pinelawn. The family will refriends and 7-9 P.M. Beloved father of Betty Raeber.

Claire. -Jack J. On Aug. 23. 1966.

Helen. Charles. Edwina and Lilly. Also survired by 8 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Reposing at Walter B.

Cooke Funeral Home, Third Ave. at N5th St. Requiem Mass. Immaculate Conception Church, 389 E. 150th Friday.

10 A.M. SINGER, Marion. -Ethel B. On Wife Aur. 24.

1966. Of of Herbert. Sister of Miss Josephine Boyle and Miss Helen Boyle. Funeral. Saturday.

10 AM. John's Church, Saugerties. the Hartles Lamouree Funeral Home. Sangerties. SPOTO -Giovanni of 120 34 Place.

Devoted father of Joseph. Margaret Frevola. Celia Pilato. Nicolina Davis Salvatore Reposing Sentto Funeral Home, 106 Place. Rklyn.

until Sptundas SRM St. Mary's Church 9:30 A M. STOCKER- George In his 56th year. Belored husband of Elizabeth (nee Keiser! Devoted father of Elizabeth ron D-athen and John Stocker. ing 1.10 P.M.

Fox Funeral Home. Services and funeral Friday 1:30 P.M. St Grand Concourse. Bronx. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery.

Charles Stumbl Inc. Directors. TARZIA- Carmela. Of 1001 50th St. Beloved mother of Anthony.

Rose Nicolina Multra. Reposing at Ralph Aeroli Son. Funeral Home. cor 65th St and 13th Ave. Solemn Requiem Mass Catherine of Alexanders RC.

Church Saturday TENG -Josephine Reposing at Park Funeral Home. 626 6th Ave. kirn until Friday 9 30 AM Cafaro Funeral Home. Dir. TOM ASINO Charbe (Cash On Auz.

29. 1966. Beloved husband of the late Louise De Rosal. Devoted father of Elaine. Peter and Louis.

Reposing at Joseph Farenca Funeral Home. 345 E. 116th until Saturday. 8:30 A.M. Solemn Requiem Holy Rosary Church.

9:30 A A.M. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Edward A. Piacente. Director.

VENEZIALE-Sam J. On Rachel. August Fond 23, 1966. Beloved husband of son of Anzelo and Brother of Ann Simmonetti. Josephine, Calagari and Jack.

Reposing at the Austin W. Moran Funeral Home, 121 6th Ave. Brooklyn. Solemn Requiem Masa Church of St. Anzustine.

Friday 9:30 A.M. Interment L.I. National Cemetery. Aug. 1966.

Beloved wife of Thomas -Helen A. (nee Kopun). On F. Derated mother of Thomas F. Jr.

and Michael Dear daughter of Pauline Kopun. Sister of Mary Benech and Christine Suchaneck. Funeral. Saturday. 9:15 from the McManus Funeral Home.

2001 Flatbush Requiem Mass. 9:45 A.M.. St. Thomas Aquina4 R.C. Church.

Interment. St. Charles' Cemetery. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS from $250 Finest service lowest cost 9 Modern funeral homes serving greater New York Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens Phone CY 5-0700 WALTER B. COOKE In Memoriam APON- -Chr.

W. 1st Anniv. in Heaven. I often sit and think of you and thinking you could not say good-bye before you closed your exes. We all say our prayers for you.

this day and everydas. Loving wife NELLY. Son and daughter-in-law. ROSE. 2340 Valentine Ave.

-Angelina. Your 5th in Heaven year. to us you are so dear. Cherished and missed. THE FAMILY.

DALISA Gone only 1 year. Miss you more each day. MARIE and CHILDREN. FERRARO Frances. 1st Anniversary in Heaven.

Always in our minds and hearts. Husband. Children and Grandchildren. GRELLO Our. -Lawrence Lady M.

of Solemn Hope Requiem Church. 10 A.M.. August 27th. NOVACK-Charles. 1 year away.

Miss you very much. You'll be in our thoughts and hearts forever. YOUR LOVING FAMILY. SMITH- Joseph P.F.C. Happy Birthday in Heaven.


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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