Daily News from New York, New York (2024)

OBI J. BARASH Services for Pincus J. Barash, 81, head of a mail-order dress manufacturing firm bearing his name, will be held at 11:30 A.M. today in the Riverside funeral home, 76th St. and Amsterdam Ave.

Barash, of 23 W. 73d died Tuesday in Jewish Memorial Hospital, of which he was a trustee and former president. He founded P. J. Barash at 225 W.

34th 60 years ago. MRS. ROSE KINGSTON Funeral services for Mrs. Rose Kingston, 88, cosmetics manufacturer and beauty salon operator. will be held at 11:30 A.M.

today at the Frank E. Campbell funeral home, Madison Ave. and 81st St. Mrs. Kingston died Sunday at her home, 30 W.

60th St. She was the widow of executive Louis Kingston. She was president of the R. H. Laird Manufacturing Co.

and the Rose Laird Beauty Salon, 487 Park Ave. DR. BERNARD CLUG Funeral services for Dr. Bernard Clug, 64, former member of the State Board of Dental Examiners, will be held at 2:30 P.M. today at the Frank E.

Campbell funeral home, Madison Ave. and 31st St. Clug. who lived at 34 Lismore Road, Lawrence, L.I.. died Tuesday at St.

Joseph's Hospital, Far Rockaway, Queens. JOHN BRADLEY John E. Bradley, 70, a partner in the antiques importing firm of Flint and Bradley, 206 E. 52d died yesterday at his country home in Pipersville, Pa. He lived at his business address.

A Requiem Mass will be said at 10 A.M. tomorrow in St. Mary the Virgin Church, 145 W. 46th St. JOHN D.

FRIEBELY Funeral services for John D. Friebely, 51, personnel director and a member of the board of the Ortho Pharmaceutical will be held at 11 A.M. today in the Crescent Ave. Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, N. J.

He died Monday of a heart attack at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield. MRS. ALINE M. LIEBMAN Services for Mrs. Aline Meyer Liebman, 87, a painter and collector of modern art, will be held at noon today at the Universal Funeral Chapel, 52d St.

and Lexington Ave. She died Sunday in her home, 415 E. 52d St. VICENTE MEJIA COLINDRES Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Aug. 24 (AP) -Former President Vicente Mejia Colindres, 88, who served in the 1929-33 depression years, died today.

Mejia, a physician, was a member of the Liberal Party. HARRY R. SHERWOOD Funeral services for Harry Sherwood, 93, the oldest practicing attorney in Connecticut, will be conducted today at 11 A.M. in Christ and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Westport. EDWARD W.

CLEXTON Washington, Aug. 24 (Special) -Vice Adm. Edward W. Clexton, 66. will be buried tomorrow in Arlington National Cemetery after a Requiem Mass.

Clexton, who retired from the Navy in 1960 after 36 years to become vice president of Grumman Aireraft died Aug. 18 at the U. S. Air Force Hospital in Wiesbaden, Edward W. Germany of leu- Clexton kemia.

Born Aug. 15, 1900, Staten Island, his home was in Jupiter, at the time of his death. With Grumman, Clexton was active in anti-submarine warfare and space programs. As a naval aviator in the 19303, he made the first experimental takeoff from a catapult, a device later installed on all aircraft carriers. MRS.

ANNA HERZ Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Herz. 91, mother of former New York State Supreme Court Justice George W. Herz, will be held at 2 P.M. today at the Andres.

funeral home. 88-21 161st Jamaica, Queens. Mrs. Herz died Tuesday at the Clearview Nursing Home, Whitestone, Queens. She lived at 2 Summit Place, Malba, Queens.

JOSEPH ALBORELLI SR. Joseph Alborelli 81, father of Anthony Alborelli, a reporter for the Associated Press, died yesterday after a long illness. He lived at 101-22 133d Richmond Hills, Queens. A Requiem Mass will be offered at 10 A.M. Saturday at the St.

Pius Church, 106-12 Liverpool Jamaica. Death Notices Death, In Memoriam, Mass and Acknowledgment Notices May be telephoned to THE NETS 1 survived iren. Fri P.M Home. Are. Bkiva Funeral Sat.

9.30. Intermen: Lutheran Cemetery. by your funeral director to 2:30 P.M. for the next day's paper. Telephone calls on Saturday before 2 P.

M. Phone MUrray Hill 2-1234 AURANENE. -James Belored husband of Mary Nicastri). Devoted father Angela Schaefer. dear brother Ralph and Mary Lucia 3.

Also survived by loving grandchildren. Reposinz SERIO Funcral Home. 3159 E. Tremont Bronx. Funeral Friday 9:30 A.M.

APICELLA Antonio. 596 Myrtle Beloved husband 01 Anna. Dear father of Connie Baldassin. Joseph and Christina. Dear zrandfather of 9 grandchildren.

Reposing at Home, 491 De Kalb kin lay. 8:30 A.M. 14. 30 A M. St.

Lucy's R.C. Anaatasio Funeral Home, Dir. BON AN SO -Pauline. On A- Funeral 264 Bush wick until Saturdav. BOWERS Robert.

Aug 1968. Be. loved husband of the late father 3 Robert. Margaret Lathan Nilsen and late Hard believe facts about heartburn (1) In tests at a famous medical center a little white penny tablet beat ail other products tested -even a prescription-type antacid costing six times as much. (2) The leading stom- considers this tablet's special calciummagnesium formula the best way known to fight heartburn.

The tablet? TUMS. Yes, TUMS. No mere candy mint. It's the medicine that's hard to ach specialist who conducted the tests believe, till you take it. TUMS.


Loving father of Katherine, Joseph. Margaret. Mary. Rose, Alice and Anthony. Reposing Vanella's Chapel.

29 Madison Saturday 9 A.M. Solemn ReChieunt Masa St. Joseph's Church (Catherine St.) 9:30 A.M. BUGLIONE-Louis F. Beloved husband of Catherine.

Devoted father of Louis Domenick and Madaline. Loving son of Madaline. Fond brother of Philip. John and Elizabeth Leonetti. Reposing at Papavero Funeral Home.

72-27 Grand Maspeth. until Saturday. 8:30 A.M. Visitation. 2-5 and 7-10 P.M.

CASALE, Alfred. (nee Dear mother Lembo). of Beloved Angela and Freddie. Reposing at Ralph Giordano Funeral Home, 1727 Crosby Bronx. Requiem 0.L.A.

Church Saturday 10 A.M. Visiting: 2-3 and 7-10 P.M. CORDARO- Anthony. On Aug. 23.

1966. Devoted husband of Mary. Beloved brother of Salvatore. Reposing Adam Macazna Funeral Home. E.

12th until Saturday. 9:15 M. Anne. Devoted Joseph Sr. Beloved husband Martha Rivetti.

Josephine Speciale. Joanne, Frank. August. Pat and Joseph Jr. Reposing at Greenpoint Chapels Kingsland until Saturd1 3 A.M.

Visiting hours: and P.M. E. Santaniello. Director Thomas husband P. On of August Rose.

23. Beloved Toted father of Stanley. Thomas Jr. and Euzene. Brother of Mollie Grizzi and Sadie Manzo.

Reposing at John F. Son Funeral Home. Vestche Square, Bronx. High Requiem Ma Church of St. Frances Chantal.

Saturday 9 A M. Interment of Heaven Cemetery. Please omit CULLEN- On lug. 23rd. 1966.

armore. County Tyrone. 108 Noel Formerty of 231 Bronx. Brother of Mrs. ehan.

Mra Patrick Kelly. Sister Bernard. Rev Conon Joseph Meehan. Bro. Kelly.

C.M.: Patrick son of and Cullen. ReHome. Broad Channel. thence to Church where will offered Interment John's Cemetery DOHERTY-Mary. 34 1966.

Beloved Mater Marzaret AlaM and Lieut. John P. Bolant. A'mY. Funeral from Cooke Funeral Home, 20 Sarder Solemn Requiem Refuge Church DOUTNEY Beloved buaband Mary Berne) De- 1 oted of Robert William.

Patti ami Susan Pasquale. Brother 01 With am Wall and Frank at Lawren E. Inconialio: Home, Strechi Saturday A M. Solemn Requiem at Our Lady Church 731 St. and Interment Holy Cross.

Please Omit Flower FICMANO Catherine. of 237. Carroll Beloved dauzhter of the late Vicenza and Santa Dear sister of JOseph. Demetria. Dominick.

Mary ani Fillippa Tarelli. Reposing 3: Funeral Home. Inc. 325 until Friday 9 A M. Mass Church.

FUINA-Dominick. Beloved father of Frank. Pat. Anthony and the by 10 grandhildren Reposing Funeral Home. 99 York Ave.

until 3 M. Requiem Mass William The Abbott. R. C. Seafont.

Interment L. I. atonal Cemetery, Farminedale. GEARY- 1966. Age 48.

of Danbury, Alumni Manhattan Colleze 1939. of Mary Casey bears father of Sister Mary James Julia F. James of Danbur Brottter of John and Michael Ge ry Thoma- Robert Marand Sister Helen Regina from the Funeral Home. 91 Conn Saturday 10 Eiward for Solof Burial in N.Y. P.M..

Fri- GENTILE Beloved wife of Jomother Carmine. Jom Arlene Damie. Also zrandchildren. Home Inc 607 ConBrooklyn Requiem M344 AM InterFrances De Patchogue. 1.

I GERRITI- Iram On 24th. Eleanor I nee FuHome Fort Hamilton Pkwy. GROTTO On Ang. Belov-i mother of Lena Chiani. Nancy Spina.

Flor-. Rocco and John. ReFuneral Home. Reginem Masa P3 Oli Cathedral Friday. HE Beloved Thomas Geol Sister Catherine and Hanna Also survived by tubiren.

Reposing at Charles Steinway until Friday 45 A. M. 1-- Immaculate Concep1 9 30 A. M. Interment Rasmond' Cemetery.

Viaiting hours 1-10 P. M. HENRI -Rudolph J. Devoted husbani Myrtle. Beloved father of 6 Reposing Pitta Funeral Home.

300 Bklya. from 6-10 P.M. on Aug. 25th. DIGNIFIED FUNERALS from $250 Finest service lowest cost 9 Modern funeral homes serving greater New York Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens Phone CY 5-0700 WALTER B.

COOKE HUGHES -Beasie (nee Quinn). On Aug. 23. 1966. Native of Drumlish.

County Long ford. Ireland. Beloved wife of Thomas. Devoted mother of Margaret Thomas and John. Dear sister of Margaret, Kellett.

Michael. Also Elizabeth survived Murray. by Jo- 6 grandchildren. Reposing at Walter B. Cooke Funeral Home.

1 W. 190th Bronx. Requiem St. Angela Merici Church. Friday.

io A.M. ment. Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Organizer and past commander of American Legion. Washington Squaro Post 1212 and life member.

Beloved of Rose. Devoted father of "Anthony. Vincent and Rudy. grandfather of Roseann and Patricia. Funeral from G.

B. Perazzo Funeral Church. 199 Bleecker Friday. 9:30 A.M. Solemn Requiem Masa, Our Lady of Pompeii Church.

10 A.M. LALLY Bridget (nee Cloherty). On August 22d. of 114 Bedford B'klyn. Beloved wife the late Owen.

Devoted mother of John. Mrs. Alice Bueche. Mra. Eleanor Konik.

Mrs. Mary Lawlor. Mrs. Catherine Dredzer. Reposing at Liscinsky Funeral Home.

113 Berry B'klyn until Friday 9 A.M. Solemn High Requiem Masa St. Vincent de Paul's C. Church at 9:30 A.M. Interment St.

Charles Cemetery. LAURO Home. -Sam. 2444 Reposing $6 at until Pro-pero Satur- day. Please Omit Flowers.

Robert Russo Funeral Home. Dir. LIKOUT -John C. Beloved husband of the late Mabel. Dear brother of Joseph.

Elizabeth Reilly and Annie Yukno. Services Friday. 10 30 A. at the Universal Funeral Chapel. 520 St.

at Lexington Ave. MACIOCE (Biz Beloved brother of Laura. Frank. Grace Manganello. Rose Camisa.

Reposinz at Perazzo Funeral Home. 1165 2nd Ave. between 61st and 62nd Solemn Requiem Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. 10 A Friday, Interment. Calvary Cemetery.

Lawrence J. Latona. Director. MAIER- Harriet. On A 1968.

Wife of late Georze, Mother of George and late, Pearl Niblock. Service at the Walter Cooke Home. 2135 day, 8 P.M. Interment. Cen tery.

Friday. A.M. MALTESI On 1966. Beloved wife of the late Da. voted mother of Anna Jo.

sephine Scotto. Lucille Re. posing at Glascott Funeral Home Ire 102-03 Metropolitan ATe A 30 A.M. Foreat Solemn Hills. Lady of Meres Interment.

St. John MARRA- At Re. loved mother of Frank Anthony. Katien Alfreed and Ernest Repo-: Funeral Home, kivn. until emn Requiem Eohrem a Church.

Gree wood Cemetery. D- me MARTIN- -James late Re of Pater Reposing at E. 79th Requiem Church. Friday. 9 MASTANDREA 1966.

Beloved husband of Ida DeCeaare). Devoted father of Angelina. Antonio. Mille, Matt: and Rose, Funeral Friday 9 A M. Solemn Requirin Masa Resurrection R.

C. Church. 30 A.M. Interment. tery.

Reposing Brr Visiting A hours 1 P.M MAZZUCHELLI- 1966. Wife of Bklyn. Mother Church. Deal. J.

Fridas A M. InTerment Catherine a Girt. N.J MIRANDE -Isabelle Fennel! On August 23. 1966. Beloved wife of the late Lone.

Devoted mother Anne Keane. Lewis Mirande try. Sister of Thomas and Jose: Fennell. Also survived br Funeral. Saturday.

A the McManus Funeral Home. 2001 Flatbush klyn, Requ Mass 30 A.M.. Good Shepherd Church. Internment. Holy Cross Cemetery.

On 23. 1966. Beloved of voted mother of Lucille Fazer Matilda Muller. raine Myers Service and Debra. Fridas 11 A.M.

3 E. Campbell. Madison Ave at MULVIHI Peter. Ret. NY CP Native of Mounts of.

Count Clare, Ireland. B-lored of Agne Fichele and Catherine. Reposinz at Charles J. O'Shea Funeral Home Ditmars Blvd. Astoria Funeral day.

Solemn Requiem Immaculate Conception Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. hours and 7-10 P. M. MUSTO Concet1 On A Ba.

voted mother Ralph. Steve. Filippa thony. Jimmie. Nichol Leone and Salvatore at Chapel 33 Sprinz Mass St.

Patrick'a Old day 9:30 A.M. E. J. La D. -astor MUZIO-R Bolored Stefano Devoted moth Calbi.

Reposinz at Finer Home, 1528 Castle H. ner3 Saturday 9 AM. Requiem Sacrament 10 AM MYRONIUK Wassel. On 1966. Husband of Barbara Father John and Michael Mrroniuk.

Juli Stehnach and Jane Garre vived by 3 grandchildren and grandchildren. Funeral from Shaffer Inc. Funeral Neck Pkway at Northern Bird Neck. on Saturday at 9:13 A M. Solemn Requiem Mass astania' R.C.

Church 9:45 A.M. Interment Patrick's Cemetery. O'LEARY-Levia Agnes (nee Koi On Auguat 23rd. Of 244 E. 30th Beloved wife of Denis.

Devoted mot er of Mary Wright. William Lert-. Margaret Gannon. Catherine Vort and the late Charles Levis Renneinz the Gannon Funeral Home. 152 E.

28th St. until Fri. Solemn Requiem Carmelite Church, 10 A.M. Interment. Calvary Cemetery.

PIZZONIA-Joseph. On Aug. 21st. Do. voted husband of Marzaret Beloved father of Gennara.

Reposing at Romanelli Funeral Home, 114-30 Rock a- away Ozone Park until Fri. 9 A.M. Entombment. St. John's Cloister.

Compitello Funeral Home, Dir. POGGI John J. On Ang. 22. 1968.

Be. loved husband of Florence (nee Barbieri). father of Florence Dono. Gloria. Jean Molinelli and Evelyn Lambert.

Brother of Sadie. Theresa and Joseph Poggi. Funeral Friday. 9 A.M. from the McLaughlin Sons Funeral Home, 8225 Third Brooklyn.

-Ralph. Of 24-50 94th Funeral Home, 193d 9t. and Northern Reposing at Frederick Flushing, until Friday, 9:30 A.M. PULKOWSKI-Tillie (nee Romanoweki). on Aug.

22, 1966. Wife of the late Finn. Boleslaw. Devoted mother of Mary Stephen Pulkoweki, Helen Junjulas. Stella David.

Jean Nucenese and the late Viola Keenan. Survived by 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Friends may call at Joseph P. Suchy Funeral Home, 708 E. 216th Broux, from 2-5 and 7-10 P.M.

Roquiem Masa. St. Valentine's Church, Friday. mond's 10 A.M. Interment 9t.

BayCemetery. RESCIGNO Rose. Of 3519 12th Astoria. L.I. Devoted mother of Patay.

Carmelo, Orzo. Tessie Harry. Gallino. Fannie Rose Swain. Mario DiGilgorio and the late George.

Repostug Astoria Funeral Home. 27-07 30th L.I. Funeral Saturday 9 A.M. 9 A.M. RICKETTS-Michael.

On Aug. 23, 1966. Beloved husband of Frances, Devoted Evan father of Edward. Herbert. Gertrude John, Raymond.

Rita Byers. Joseph. Frederick 33 and William. Also survived by grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Funeral from Park 1430 Unionport Broux.

Church. Masa. Holy Family Saturday. 9:30 A.M. RICKET Beloved member Ironworkers Local No.

40. Reposing. Abbey" Funeral Home. 1430 nonport Road. Bronx.

Masa, Saturday. 9:30 A.M.. Holy Family R.C. Castle Hill Bronx. RI -Domenick.

Beloved husband of Devoted father of Angelo and Reposing at Ralph A. Aievoli and and Son Funeral Home, corner 65th St. 13th Ave. Solemn Requiem Mass, St. Rosalie R.C.

Church, Saturday, 9 A.Mi. RUSSO Maria Stella (Dee Perrone). Beloved wife of Andrea. Survived by 10 children and 21 grandchildren. Reposing at Romano Chapel.

3254 White Plains Bronx till Friday 9 A.M. RI -Nunzio. Beloved, husband of June. Dear father Raiph, Greg and Kim. Affectionate son of Ralph and Carrie.

Devoted brother of Mario Garand Bob Cutro. Reposing Funeral Home. 177. SulSolemn requiem mass St. AuLions Church.

Saturday 10 A.M. Paul Guidetti Son. Dir. Beloved mother of Bertha Marino. Sabelle, Mary Bove.

Lucy Napolitano, Josephine Corrao. Reposing at Robert Russo Home, 119 Ehzabeth St. ass curation Church, Saturday. 9:30 M. of Merrick.

L.T. or merly of Maspeth. L.I. On Auguat 1966. Beloved wife of the late Lane.

Aiso survived by 4 nieces and Schlett. Sister of the late Clarence Services at the Fulton FuHome. 49 W. Merrick FreeFriday. August 26th.

at 2 30 P.M. Interment. Pinelawn Memorial ComePinelawn. The family will friends and 7-9 P.M. -Jack J.

On Aug. 23. 1966. father of Betty Raeber, Claire. Charles.

Edwina and Lilly. Also by 8 grandchildren and 5 grandehildren. Reposing at Walter Cooke Funeral Home. Third Ave. St.

Requiem Mass, Immaculate Conception Church. 389 E. 150th Frida 10 A.M. Ethel B. On Aug.

24, 1966. of Manon. N.Y. Wife of Herbert. of Miss Josephine and Helen St.

John Boyle. a Funeral, Saturday. at the Hartley Church, Lamouree ral Home. Saugerties. -FOTO.

-Giovanni of 120 3d Place. father of Joseph. Margaret Celia Pilato. Nicolina Davis Reposing Scotto Funeral Home, 104 Place. Bklyn, until Aptunia: SRM 'St.

Mary's Church 9:30 A STOCKER- -George. In his 56th year. Beloved husband of Elizabeth (nee Keiser! Devoted father of Elizabeth Fon Drathen and John Stocker. Repos1-10 P.M. Fox Funeral Home.

St. Grand Concourse. Bronx. and funeral Friday 1:30 P.M. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery.

Charles Stumpf Inc. Directors. -Carmela. of 1001 50th St. mother of Anthony.

Rose Messina. Nicolina Multra. Reposing Ralph Aievoli Son. Funeral Home. St.

and 13th Ava. Solemn Mas St. Catherine of Alexanders R.C. Church Saturday TENG.I -Josephine. Reposing Park Funeral Home.

626 6th Ave. B'klyn until Friday 9:30 A.M. Cafaro Funeral Home. Dir. TOM ISINO- Charlie (Cash).

On Aue. 22. 1966. Beloved husband of the late Loulse Do Devoted father of Elaine. Peter and Louis.

Reposing at Joseph Farenza Funeral Home, 345 E. 116th until Saturday. Role A.M. Solemn 9:30 A M. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Reqttiem Rosary Church. Edward A. Piacente, Director. -Sam J. Ou August 23.

1046 Beloved hushand of Rachel. Fond of Angelo and Mary. Brother of Simmonetti. Josephine Calagari Jack. Reposing at the Austin Moran Funeral Home, 121 6th Solemn Requiem Church of St.

Angustine, Friday 9:30 A M. Interment L.I. National Cemetery. WHITNEY- -Helen A. (nee Kopun) On 1966.

Beloved wife of Thomas Devoted mother of Thomas F. Jr. and Michael A. Dear daughter of Pauline Kopun. Siater of Mary Benech Christine Suchaneck.

Funeral. A.M. from the McManus Funeral Home. 2001 Flatbush Requiem Masa. 9:45 A.M..

St. Thomas Aquinas R.C. Church. Interment. St.

Charles' Cemetery. In Memoriam -Chr. W. 1st Anniv. in Heaven.

I often sit and think of you and thinking you could not say good-bye before you closed your eyes. We all aay our prayers for you, this day and everyday. Loving wife NELLY. Son and da ROSE. 2340 Valentine Ave.

-Angelina. Your 5th in Heaven year. to us you are so dear. Cherished and missed. THE FAMILY.

DALISA- -Andrew. Gone only 1 yeat. Miss yOu more each day. MARIE and CHILDREN. -France.

1al Anniversary in Heaven. Always in our minds and hearts. Husband. Children and Grandchildren. GRELLO- -Lawrence M.

Solemn Requiem Mass. Our Lady of Hope Church. 10 A.M.. August 27th. NOVACK-Charles.

1 year away. Mias you very much. You'll be in our thoughta and hearta forever. YOUR LOVING FAMILY. SMITH- Joseph P.F.C.

Happy BirthHeaven..

Daily News from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.